Einei Haloshon is the revolutionary program teaching your children how to understand Lashon HaKodesh. Here’s the behind-the-scenes take from one member of our team’s family!
We introduced you to Einei Haloshon, the program that will radically improve your child’s ability to comprehend and translate Lashon Hakodesh here. We spoke about how hard it is to struggle day after day in subject after subject in Limudei Kodesh. Einei Haloshon saw the need, and created a program to solve it. We had to try it out for ourselves, so we recruited one team member’s son to test it out.
Who: Male, 9 years old. (‘Almost 10!,’ he clarifies)
What: Struggling in class and breaking his teeth to translate and keep up: ‘Did he eat? Is he going to eat? Who’s eating? What’s happening in this medrash?’
Where: Mostly school, although struggling to prepare his weekly D’var Torahs too.
Why: Although this child is self-motivated and super bright, his language skills are on the weaker side, and Mom suspected he could benefit from Einei Haloshon’s program.
When: 4 weeks ago
And now? Mom is totally amazed at her son’s brand-new ability to break apart a word and translate it. And in her little guy’s words, ‘Because I understand more in class, I don’t have to ask my Rebbi as often. It’s so much easier to follow along now.’
What does mom say? (This is one of us speaking!) “I’m absolutely blown away. Even though he always did well and could figure things out in context, now he has super clarity on everything that goes on in class. It makes him happier to go to school and be in class also. Now, my older kids are begging me to do the program because they want to be able to understand Lashon Hakodesh super clearly, so they have an advantage in school. To have a child this young to be able to open up a sefer and be able to understand what he’s reading–I really, honestly feel that this program is groundbreaking. For a child that’s average to above average, it’s advantageous. But for a weaker student, it will be absolutely life-changing.”
How long does it take? “For three weeks, he did the program on the computer for 20-30 minutes a night.
It’s enjoyable. I saw a difference as quickly as one week in. The entire program takes 1-3 months depending on the child’s age and level. I imagine, for him, he’ll be done in about 8 weeks total.”
Want to get it on the magic? Einei Haloshon focuses on grammar first. Prefixes, suffixes, past, present and future tenses, male and female, and singular and plural are all covered, slowly and systematically. In parts 1-4, your child will learn zachar yachid, zachar rabim, nekayva yachid and nekayva rabim through interactive digital exercises. Part 5 works with words missing letters, part 6 addresses the tricky vav, and part 7 takes what you’ve learned to understand pesukim from Chumash. These skills are drilled using a variety of exercises, leaving your child 100% proficient in taking what he or she has learned to translate novel words in Lashon Hakodesh.
Are you not sure if your child would benefit? Try Einei Haloshon’s free screener here: it’s a 15 minute quiz to see if your child is a good candidate. If they are, Einei Haloshon is so confident they can help that if there’s no improvement after the first 5 exercises, they’ll offer you a full refund.
So, what do you have to lose? Absolutely nothing! And for what you have to gain, I’ll give the mic back to our team member’s son.
‘Before I started Einei Haloshon, I would try to prepare D’var Torahs for Shabbos by myself, and it was always so hard. But now, I can open a medrash or a klei yakar and just teach it to myself. I would never have been able to do that before!’
Try Einei Haloshon here, with code BCP23 for a 20% discount, and let us know how it goes!
Suri says
Any suggestions for adults who want to improve their command of Hebrew ?