No more sinking into the grass at that beautiful garden simcha.
You know the little debate you have in your head when attending a simcha outdoors. Do I wear heels and fight with the grass or just skip it and wear flats? Well, there’s a really simple solution!
Recently my brother and sister-in-law hosted Shabbos Sheva Brachos for my niece in their beautiful backyard. I came wearing heels but brought along flats for the walk afterwards. (Does everyone calculate to which simchas you can easily wear higher heels because you’ll be sitting most of the time? Just me?) As soon as I stepped out onto the back patio, I was thinking oh boy, I’m gonna be sinking all evening.

But my niece had come across some heel stoppers that simply slide onto your heel and the wide base prevents the shoe from sinking. Simple, but effective. But the ones she found were about $12 for 3 pairs in different sizes. Leave it to my brother to find them for $12 for 21 pairs! And they’re already separated in color coded little bags by size!

They put these in a pretty bowl right on the patio and everyone who came in heels was able to just pull out the ones in the right size. And they worked like a charm!

If you plan a party outdoors, make sure to have them on hand. Or just get a pack and split with a couple of friends. Such a useful item to have on hand!
Just wear flats. Heels are bad for your feet and back!