Sukkos is the time when we are literally sitting in Hashem’s arms. How can we bring the comfort of this protection to all our days (even the scary and painful ones)? (Print and read over Sukkos!) On erev Rosh Hashanah, we Yidden in Eretz Yisrael experienced the special feeling of consummate protection and unparalleled love…
We’re Commanded to Be Joyful on Sukkos. How Do We Attain It?
We search for things to make us happy, but sometimes it’s elusive. These are the true sources of joy and how to really find that happiness this Yom Tov. On Wings of JoyAttaining True Joy on the Zeman Simchaseinu Sukkos is a holiday dedicated to mastering joy. We are commanded in the Torah explicitly, “V’samachta…
Rosh Hashanah Strategies to Unlock the Shefa and Bring the Brachah
7 ways to accomplish what Hashem wants from us this Rosh Hashanah. As the sun sets on the past year, a sense of awe and trepidation fills our hearts. We know that this is the moment that Hashem passes each of us under His staff and determines our fate for the coming year. It’s frightening…
How to Increase the Feelings of Gratitude in Your Home
Do you want to create a place where everyone is genuinely happy, for the good things and the seemingly bad? How can you handle such a difficult situation with grace, dignity, and emunah? That was the question I asked a special woman who had lost her beloved adult child after a prolonged illness. Indeed, this…
5 Things I Learned from Teens
Often, even adults can feel enlightened by the fresh perspectives of teenagers. Recently, Victoria shared an insightful line one of her children told her, “Parents don’t only raise kids. Kids raise parents too.” The goodness and sincerity of children and teens can be so fresh and inspiring. Several years ago I began collecting stories for my…
10 Small Acts That Make a Big Impact
These are things you really can do! They may seem small and simple, but even just that little thought can really make a huge difference in someone else’s day…or life! I recently met an old friend. I hadn’t seen her in over a decade, and it was a lot of fun to catch up. Then…
Tzipisa LeYeshua?
Each one of us is instrumental in bringing about the Geulah. The question is: Do we want it? And why do we? Some years ago, I read a story by Etka Gittel Schwartz. The narrative started out describing a mother who was preparing for a family trip – packing a lunch of pita and yogurt,…
How Do We Feel the Pain of Galus When We Live So Well?
Al Eileh Ani Bochiayah – A guide to how you can channel the pain of galus on Tisha B’Av and Beyond Tisha B’av is a rough day, no doubt about it. Between the heat, the length, the limited distractions, and the severity of it in terms of getting a heter not to fast, it is probably…
Women Know How to Get to the Core
Whether it’s when we’re parenting, in our marriage, or in the development of our selves–women have a special power of pushing past the surface. Ah! Summertime! What a lovely season, ripe with opportunities for rejuvenation. As mothers, we might find that this time of year affords us more chances to connect to our children— in…
The Pack of Tissues that Restored Faith
The mother of a soldier tells the story of a soul rising and another descending. Did the sun rise this Sunday morning? I wouldn’t know. All I saw was darkness, all we as a nation saw was devastation. We had lost eleven precious soldiers; it was too much to bear. With hesitation, I opened the…