There are lots of little things that you need just once in a while, but chances are you need them right away!
You’re ready to walk out of the house on the way to a wedding, but your new heels keep slipping off. Or your 15 year old just went swimming – and forgot to take off his yarmulke. The bus is coming in 5 minutes and the only clean uniform skirt has a droopy hem.
All of these minor life emergencies could be fixed in a quick moment with just the right little “thingie.” But do you have those little things hanging around the house or will you be saying “if only I had a set of heel grips, or an extra yarmulke, or some hem tape…”?
We put together a list of some little items we like to keep on hand for those times when you don’t want to be running to the store for the quick solution that turns out not to be so quick after all.
Shoe laces – black dress shoe laces for the guys and some white sneaker style laces should cover most shoes.
Tongue pads/insoles – because the second time your kid is wearing her new loafers, they’re already looser than they were in the store.
Earring backs – You’re much less likely to misplace a pair of earrings if the back is replaced right away. Especially with recent piercings.
Yarmulkes – Just get one in each of your guys’ sizes. And hide it in your closet, not theirs.
Heel grips – You thought the fit was perfect, but you’re walking out of your shoes. Sometimes all you need is the grip in back. A well-cushioned one can also help prevent blisters.
Eyeglass screw kit – If you have a kid in glasses, there’s a good chance you already know this should be in the house.
Hem tape – Besides fixing a hem on the fly, hem tape is also good to close a gaping button down.
Bonus stash for the garage if you have space:
Windshield washer fluid and ice salt – Be prepared for winter safety.
Stock your medicine cabinet after reading this post, too!
What are some items you’d recommend to our readers??
Gitty says
E 6000 glue to fix shoes/sneakers/floafers
Estee says
So many smart ideas, thank you! And buying extra eyeglass kits for my boys to take to yeshiva.
e says
Zip ties fix too many things to list.
Crazy glue/gorilla glue
Leah says
So much of this stuff can be bought at Dollar Tree for a fraction of the cost at Amazon.
Chani N. says
I bought these really comfortable earring backs on Ali Express that stay on very well.
Lewis Young says
It’s your writing that keeps us engaged in the story to the very end.