One day, as I was looking for makeup brushes (like I always am), I found oval makeup soft brushes like these.

I quickly realized that these would be perfect to polish silver. While Goddard’s silver polish foam comes with a sponge, the sponge doesn’t reach all the little crevices.

Using these brushes, brush the polish with the same motion you’d use when brushing teeth.

They’re very soft so they won’t scratch the silver either. Wash and dry as usual.

You don’t have to get your hands dirty! (Though you can use gloves if you like, it’s more comfortable without).

Obviously any soft makeup brush would work, though these are inexpensive enough that you can designate a few for your silver…and not your face.
So cute chani!!!
we love chani!!!
after I use polish, I rub a bar of kosher soap over the silver and rinse, then dry it and then widex it
looks like a brilliant idea
eagles never dull is also super easy and makes silver sparkly white.. without any mess!
What are eagles? I’d love to hear more about an easy clean way to get silver shiny
Any tips on removing wax first?
I pour boiling hot water over the wax (ie: from urn or kettle… you can pour it into a cup first… ) It usually come right off.
Love the idea! Ever try silver wipes? They work amazing! They aren’t perfect for little crevices, but they work amazing!! And are mess free.
Does this work any better than a regular toothbrush?
We love Tarni Shield silver gleams such an Oneg Shabbos the leichter and the Kiddush Cup
Please don’t post my name tx