Traveling for Yom Tov? Does packing take you an entire day? Get it done efficiently and quickly – and yes! Your kids will even help!
If you’re anything like me, you always have good intentions about packing the night before going away. But somehow, it’s suddenly midnight, you just finished the last of today’s tasks (or not), you’re exhausted, and who can think about tomorrow’s To-Do list?
And that’s how I always end up packing with all of my kids around.
When going away for Yom Tov, the stress is compounded by the myriad of details needed: unpredictable weather means an option of outfits is key (did you ever notice how every Yom Tov falls at a change of season?) and new clothing means that it’s easy to miss a detail (I forgot that top needs a shell!).
Relieve some of the packing stress by letting the kids pack themselves! This convenient kids packing list will help!
Use the right column to add quantities and the left column can be checked off as they pack themselves.

Now, get those kids involved!
Download the Kids Packing List Here!
If packing is made fun, they love to help out! Each child gets a packing list. They can either fill their own suitcase/duffel, or simply place the items on the bed. Some kids like to organize the stuff they are packing by “outfit” or “day” rather than by category (whatever works!).
Don’t feel confident in their packing ability? You can review their list/duffel/piles of clothing once they’re done to make sure. It will still save you lots of time.
This list is geared to kids around ages 6-12. Younger children can still use the list to pack themselves with an older sibling’s help! Bar mitzvah boys and older girls have different needs, but as kids get older, you’ll see that some become very independent and some need your help packing up until the point that you march them down the aisle. For them, a list like this is still very helpful, and they can use the extra blanks to fill in the additional items they need.

Save a reward/activity to do on packing day once the kids are done to give an extra incentive. I’m partial to a CD because it’s mess-free and we do aim to leave a clean house behind!
While the kids partake of this rare treat, use the time (20 minutes is usually plenty) to check their suitcases, and finalize the packing.
Bonus for You: For yourself, it’s also super helpful to prepare a master packing list (here’s a sample). This is a one-off time investment of everything you and your kids might ever need to bring on a trip: to the tropics, to the mountains, to Bubbe and Zeide. Type this up on the computer so that you can save and adjust for each trip, as needed. If you didn’t have time to prepare and print beforehand, print the entire master list and simply cross out unnecessary items.
When the kids are jumping at your feet, it takes much less concentration to cross out “snow boots” than to remember “cuff links” off the top of your head.
p.s. Try our tips on making bedtime easier – free bedtime chart download.
Thank you!!! Love this. After last few trips away for shabbos forgetting important things (one’s shabbos shoes, another’s shabbos socks etc), I decided thats it, everyone has to pack themselves. This will really help out 🙂
And best of all, if you pack yourself, there’s nobody else to blame when something is missing!
Missing: Slippers/slides, slinky skirt
Get even younger ones to pack by drawing pictures including amounts!!
This is great! I keep a packing list as a Googlesheet – I have different versions for summer/winter vacation and Shabbos/YT but it’s so easily adjustable this way. I can also easily print it from my computer or phone.
My kids love packing themselves and after doing it multiple times, they remember the one or two times they forgot something important and it never happens again 🙂
Slide the printed sheet into a page protector, and give the child a white board marker. They can check off each thing, then wipe the protector and the list is ready for the next time! Kids love using those markers.