Your kids can’t agree on one costume for Purim. But they still want some type of coordination. What can you do?
We don’t really do themes. Perhaps it’s because we’re really out-of-towners at heart, or perhaps because I couldn’t ever imagine my children agreeing on one type of costume. For most years, Purim costumes went more “choose whatever you want” system.
Lately though, my younger children have been influenced by the surrounding culture. And even though they still can’t agree on one costume, they still want to feel somewhat coordinated. Hence these themes. These “themes” allow your kids to make their own decisions and choose a costume of their own, while still feeling like they’re part of the same family.
One example:
- Around the World. Every child choose their own country/costume. Anything goes, from the Eskimo, to the French Painter, to the South African/Australian Explorer, to the Mexican Senorita, or the Japanese Girl in a silk robe, to the British soldier or nanny… there is so much flexibility.
Other Non-Theme Themes:
- Community workers (perfect for those families where one boy wants to be a policeman and another a fireman)
- Athletes
- History (you can stick to a time period or location or keep it flexible)
- Careers
- Jews from different communities
- Animals
Do you have more ideas of non-theme themes?
Zoo theme… everyone can be different animals and older kids can be zookeepers or trainers.
Circus theme is also very broad, cuz there are so so many options. Clown, dancers, acrobats, lions, elephants, monkeys, trainers, ringmasters…
another great idea is circus themed (ringmaster, magician, lion, clown etc.)
bakers is a very cute theme because you can do some bakers and some baked goods (cupcake, donut, cookie)
I love this post! Anyone have more suggestions?
Book characters
Royal family – but whoever doesn’t want to be a king or a princess can be whatever they want but call it the palace chef, the palace guard, the royal pet, etc…
The royal pet is adorable! This is so clever.
I once had a year where my 4 year old was desperate to be a police officer and my older kids wanted a theme. One dressed up in a piece of bread with peanut butter, one in bread with jelly, one in a jelly jar and one in a peanut butter jar and they were his lunch
That is the cutest!
Great idea! Love this post
We’ve been circus themed, and trophies along with a few of the ones mentioned…
Farmer and animals
Cops and robbers
Animals and hunters/animals and safari explorers/animals and zookeeper
Curious George and man with yellow hat
Firefighters and Dalmatians
Aliens and astronauts
Different types of toys is another idea
(Toy soldiers, stuffed teddy, dolls, Lego man etc…)
Or Different types of games
We were “black and white and read all over”. When one of the younger kids wanted to be a Red crayon and my 6 yr old a kallah and my 11 yr old some fancy colonial. My 9 yr old was a baker. Mishloach manos was given with newspaper theme.
Shabbos kodesh theme:
Kallah- shabbos queen
Rich man
Yosef maker shabbos
Flower girl
like this!
One year we had a Mordechai and an Esther and a clown and we said the theme was Purim 🙂
Charvona was a clown so they were all dressed up like shushan! 🙂
How about Royalty: king, queen, princess, jester, maid, etc
Or circus: any kind of animal, ballerina, clown, ringmaster, etc.
Sticking to one color is also theme-ish. For example everyone can pick anything in red. From Elmo, to a firefighter, to a red crayon. And it looks adorable in a photo!
Red riding hood themed. The boys are the wolf, girls are old lady or red riding hood and baby is the apple from the basket!
Tintin:, you can have Tinitin captain Haddock the Tompsons and Calcalus (Tintin can even be a girl if she wears the long trench coat), lots of different costumes and room for individuality but really coordinated. a baby or toddler could be an adorable snowy
Black and white :
Jungle animals/hunters
Hunter/prince/princess/ apple
Shark/fisherman/octopus/ sushi chef
Area 53:
Mad scientist/alien/ Air Force pilot
We did colors one year
The boys were different ninjas
Purple butterfly
Pink. Ballerina
We did uncle moishys, magician, makeup artist, ballerina, … One year gave out circus themed mm
I did Shabbos with four kids (a bit different than above): Twin girls were leichters (I made them silver dresses with a candle headband), and my boys were challah and grape juice.
Condiments with three kids: ketchup, mustard and relish
Just twins – PB + J
I’m doing American girl doll theme. Every girl is a different doll that resembles them the most.
One super cute theme I saw once was chicken soup! Parents were chefs, kids were all different veggies, baby was a chicken. Beyond adorable! Purim was erev shabbos in yerushalayim and they gave out chicken soup and challah in their mishloach manos.
We did AMERICA theme once. We had a hobo, cowboy, IRS guy, American flag etc.
LOL that’s hysterical and accurate
Themes help my kids figure out which costume they want, so it’s less broad, they can think what they would like within a theme. These are some we have done in the past:
Eretz Yisrael : kohen Gadol, Israeli soldier, kallah, and my youngest didn’t want to dress up, so we stuck a Na nach yarmulka on his head
Jungle : koala bear, rhinoceros, and jungle explorer
Royal: king, princess, knight, dragon
Sports: baseball, hockey, football
We’ve also done cowboys and pirates, where everyone wore their own version. Like I bought a couple of costumes and everyone mixed and matched with stuff we had at home, choosing different items/accessories
Probably Cowboys and Cowgirls. (English South African). and Farmers. (English).