These fun new activities make home the most fun place to be.
Editor’s Note: This post has been updated for 2024 with more tried-and-true crafts that our own children have loved too!
Winter is here and it can be a challenge to keep the kids entertained while being stuck indoors. If you have a few kids or a busy schedule you may not want to schlep the kids out of the house. There are also those lazy Sundays, vacation days, or the week your child is home sick with the flu. That’s where Amazon comes in. As a self-appointed “Amazon Prime” mom, I love getting crafts and projects delivered straight to my door!
All of these projects are self-contained–there’s no other supplies needed. One kit and your activity for the afternoon is set!
Here are some of my favorite picks!
Perfect timing before mid-winter break! Thanks for a great post!!
Thank you so much for this post- all the crafts look so tempting- I want to buy one of each!!!
I would not recommend the crayola sprinkle shaker. It sounds great in theory but I had tine balls rolling all over my floor. All you need is to tip it the wrong way and then when you open it to try to get everything back in place it’s a disaster. I kept on vacuuming my playroom for the next week since the broom was no match for it.
Thanks for these ideas. I see some crafts can be for both. Anything just for the boys?? We have kinetic sand. Need some more ideas. Thanks
Just saying, with advance planning, Temu has many crafts for very cheap, just a little longer delivery time. I got some very good stuff for the preschoolers.
Temu is known for spy software and can and has hacked users computers so stay away if you can
Just fyi about the soap kit, I have not asked a Rav, but my initial thought is that it’s not so simple to put soap-making ingredients into a microwave (they are most likely treif)…Ask your LOR!