1-2-3 and these mishloach manos are….done!
Here are a few mishloach manos ideas that will help you out:
I found these inexpensive yet very pretty boxes at the B&B Party Goods store.
Anything looks good in them. Literally. See for yourself:
They also look great stacked, as you see here:
As you see, I didn’t fill these boxes with anything too complex. Just a clean, neat presentation is all you need.
Breakfast anyone?
This will either get eaten up immediately or saved for shushan Purim, to relish in peace. Whether you use homemade granola or not, this is something that literally everyone enjoys. Download our customizable tag here.
And last but not least….
How gorgeous is this one? I just love how easy yet classy this pairing is. Use any smallish cutting board (I got mine at IKEA) and hard cheese.
You can download and print these customized purim tags here.
Want some Mishloach Manos ideas for the children as well? Check this out.
can you give the links/sizes for the yogurt mm?