Do your children want costumes that are uniquely theirs? Are you a mom that loves to get creative (as long as it’s not too difficult!)? We love these costume ideas you can make your own.
Purim costumes are only as good as the details. It’s one holiday where creativity really shines. If you’re one who loves to create your own unique costumes, here is some inspiration!
Credit: Sayyes
Classic, neat costume. You can put it together easily by starting with a Primary Basic Blue dress.
Credit: @theslightlysaltykids on
Might as well embrace the sugar soda high the kids get on Purim.
Bubble Bath and Loofa
A good scrub is what those little ones need by the end of the day.
Racing Cars
Credit: Today’s Parents
Who doesn’t need some entertainment during the long day? This one is like having a costume and toy all in one.
Rain Cloud
Credit: Today’s Parents
Every kid loves stomping around in boots, making this a fun, interactive, and enjoyable-to-wear costume.
Ice Cream Vendor
Credit: La maison de loulou
Calling all Cohens, Kohns… It’s all about the cones…
hi how did you make the icecream vendor tray?