Can’t get out? Find it out of budget? Still, it’s important for you and your husband to find time to spend alone. Here are 6 date night ideas that make it possible.
You say you don’t have time for a date. You don’t have extra money. You are tired…or there is nothing exciting to do in the city you live in… blah blah blah. These are all excuses.
Finding the time to spend some quality time with your husband is not only important for your marriage, but it’s guaranteed to make you happier too.
So here are a few budget-friendly ideas.
Not every date has to be in the evening. It’s usually easy to get a young teen from 6 -7:00 in the evening to play with the kids. Have everyone fed and the little ones bathed. Leave out some games and you’ll be back in time for bedtime. Bonus: You skip the witching evening hour that seems to drag on forever.
Going out to eat can add some serious numbers to your budget. Instead, stop by a takeout or deli, and buy two sandwiches with the fixings (or make your own). Head out to a local lake or park and enjoy dinner with a view. Making your own? Prepare Schnitzel or deli sandwiches with lettuce, tomatoes, sauteed onions, coleslaw, Russian dressing, a drink, and a bag of chips.
Take a walk. Put the baby in a stroller and take a walk. What kind of date is one with a baby? You’d be surprised how much talking you can do while walking and what a boost of energy you’ll have.
Really want to eat out on a budget? Get dressed, heels and all. Head out to a restaurant and order 2 appetizers and 2 desserts. You’ll get the feeling of having eaten out while keeping your wallet intact.
Let us know your cheap date ideas in the comments below!
Escape rooms are fun, cheap an only an hour.
Going to ritas at night and sitting outside with ices can be very refreshing peaceful and affordable.
I’ve gone ceramic painting in Lakewood with my husband. We painted one piece together. It was so relaxing and much cheaper than going out to eat!
Nothing beats a walk on the boardwalk on a summer night
Loved the dessert idea. Got a babysitter for an hour after all kids asleep and enjoyed a dessert in a high end restaurant. Excellent date night idea!
Only reading this post now, so I apologize for the late response, however I figure date night ideas are good anytime. LOL.
Paint night – I took my husband to a Paint n Sip place a few blocks away from our home (LA, 3rd street & La Brea). It was a “paint your partner” night, so we sat across from each other and painted each other. We were only allowed to see the other’s work once it was complete. You bring your own snacks and drinks so I packed up our favorite snacks from home with drinks and we had the best time! So relaxing and enjoyable.
Exercise night – found a local private gym that was willing to give us a room for an hour (during off hours). Instead of getting all dressed up, you put on workout clothing, and go together to burn off some energy. A great way not only to spend time together, but stay healthy. And all you need to bring is water…and a protein bar for dessert! 😉
Virtual Reality – many locations have popped up lately. You can do ones for as little as $15. It’s such fun and a great way to see how you each react to a “fantasy” world.
Fancy dinner at home – maybe more accessible in LA with the weather being so nice all year round, but I used our upstairs balcony and surprised my husband to a dinner date. I put a small table, with flowers and candles and served our meal upstairs. My husband was a bit confused when I told him (as he assumed that we were going out for dinner) that I wanted us to go upstairs to our second floor first. When he saw me go to the porch he was even more confused. Until he saw how nicely it was set up. I had my teenage daughter act as waitress to bring up the food (and my teenage son as waiter – he brought the wine and ensured it was opened) and we got to enjoy a candlelight meal as the sun went down. The best part was that we were home so when I was needed after an hour or so to help with bedtime, I was right there. LOL.
I wanted to add that the walk with the baby in stroller is such fun! My husband and I put our daughter in the stroller and walked 4 blocks over to a drive-thru Starbucks that has an outdoor sitting area. We ordered drinks and sat down to talk. It was so nice!
We bought a cheap badminton set from walmart and it paid off big time!! We took it along to New Hampshire while on vacation with just the baby and played in the parking lot at night. We’ve also used it countless times in random parks out of the neighborhood. Nothing like jumping up to hit the birdie in hubby’s direction and watching him make the run for it, and vice versa!! Aside from the workout part, we shared lots of laughter over missed shots. Best $25 purchase I ever made.
Why do you have to go out for paint night? With toddlers and little ones and no teens yet. (and no neighbors/family members to babysit for us) we do date night at home! We buy some ready-to-pour paint from Deco Art at Michael’s, canvas, and viola! we have an in house date night, paint night! Another fun thing to do is play board games. CATAN, TICKET TO RIDE, Rummikub are great to play when the kids are asleep and the kitchen is somewhat tidy. Pop some popcorn, hot tea, (or ice it:)) and just remember to turn off your phones!
Great ideas and great timing! Thank you!! I find going out for lunch once in a while is easier than getting out at night for me.
Eat supper at home and then go out to arcades and ice cream.
We really enjoy going for sushi. We don’t enjoy fish in our sushi so a few veggie rolls plus a salad doesn’t break the bank and its a full dinner.