Leading Rabbanim and Rebbetzins have joined to bring you a Chizzuk Companion for the seder.
Click Here to Access the Files, Download, and Print!
Included at the link above are three files:
A Hebrew version
An English version
A Beautiful Story by Rabbi Nachman Seltzer
Wow! This is magnificen & extremely thoughtful! Thank you so much!
This is beautiful!
Thank you so much, especially for the Hebrew version.
My kh vibrant and active 89 year old grandmother with a hundred descendants was alone over Pesach. She said she has nothing to complain about since “she has so much food and everything she needed from her kids… in Auschwitz all they had for Pesach was trying to not eat bread…”
It was obviously painful for us to know she was on her own for three long days including two sedarim. I printed this packet (along with some pictures of my kids) and dropped it off erev yt. I spoke to her last night and she said she read and enjoyed every page and it really enhanced her yomtov (she told me to print it for myself, which I will- before yomtov I only had had time to glance through it.) Thank you so much for sharing it!
Thank you so much to Victoria Dwek and Between (Carpools) Snacks for sharing our project! We are so happy and grateful that what started out as a family initiative to keep our grandmother “company” really reached many! Thank you Sara, Miriam and Estee for the feedback. DE, what an inspiration to hear about your grandmother. May we all see yeshuos and refuos!