No matter what you’re celebrating, these letter or number centerpieces are a fun and easy addition.
It can be instead of a birthday cake (perfect for those non-bakers) or even simply a centerpiece for any occasion – whether you choose to go sweet or savory. Choose one letter or number, or if you’re making a big party, you can even spell out a whole word. These fillable cardboard letters are easy to fill up with either veggies or sweets. It’s not only easy – it’s fun too.
One note – it can get expensive to fill a letter if you’re choosing pricier sweets like gummies or Jolly Ranchers. We mixed and matched the gummies with other items that will take up more space at less cost – like marshmallows (one bag), Laffy Taffys (one dollar store package), winkies (about 20), and lollipops (about 20).
Just put each sweet in its own spot, and fill it up. We also used gummy bears (½ lb), gumballs (wrapped and unwrapped), rainbow sour belts (¼ lb), chocolate covered pretzels (¼ lb), wrapped gum, and sour worms (½ lb).
The containers come with a lid, so you can also cover them up and send them to your host to use at her simcha.
Now, let’s move onto the veggie version.
I happened to not chop anything for this veggie platter, but if you are going to be using the platter the same day, go ahead and chop up cucumber, peppers, celery, carrots, kohlrabi, and anything else you like. Tomatoes, snap peas, baby peppers, and baby carrots are great no-work no-chop options. Broccoli and cauliflower are refreshing if you can find the pre-checked versions (especially if they’re on sale!)
For the dips (a must to include with the veggies!) and pickles, I used these dressing containers. And, of course, you can fill in the rest of your space with crackers. Yum!
malka says
wow, you keep coming up with such cool stuff!
Chani says
Yes!!! This is amazing!
leah l. says
Cute! Will keep this in mind 4 my next child’s b-day
Hindy says
Esther I am a major fan of yours! Your ideas are beyond creative, I’m constantly checking your blog. Thank you!
S.P says
is there fillable numbers?
betweencarpools says
Chaya says
Love this idea!! Can’t wait to try it out!!
Sara Karelitz says
where can u get a letter s from
Sara Karelitz says
where can i get the letter s from
Sara Karelitz says
its relly cute
Tzipora Weider (Ehrich) says
This is so cool