Cleaning up is hard to do when your kids are not really sure where everything belongs. With this system, your playroom closets will look neat and stay neat…and your kids will be the ones to keep it that way!
In every home, the space where toys are stored can be a bit different. Many have closets in the family or playroom, but sometimes a homeowner needs to get creative. When organizing small boro park apartments, some even need to turn the bottom shelves in the sefarim shranks into toy storage using bins.
While these techniques and containers recommended below will work in a traditional closet, with a little creativity, you can keep using these tips and adapt your storage containers to keep the toys neatly in any type of space.
When organizing any type of space, the “SPACE” system is recommended (“SPACE” stands for sort, purge, assign, containerize, and equalize). The space system is described in more detail here.
1 – Take all the toys out of the closet! Yup, things get a little messier before they get neat.
2 – Purge anything that’s broken, the games that are missing pieces, and the toys you know that your children have really outgrown (give away items that are in good condition).
3 – Sort your toys into “types” and decide where each type should be stored. If your closet is messy because it’s too stuffed, perhaps not everything belongs in the toy closet? Books can go into the closet or be moved to a bookshelf, perhaps you want to keep the games in the family room rather than the basement playroom. Once you decide where every category of toy will live, you’re ready to move on.
4 – Now it’s time to get those toys into bins!
5 – Add labels! Labels are the single factor that motivates kids (and adults too) to put toys back into the container where they belong. Even if you “know” what goes where labels simply make it more fun and give everyone in the family a higher sense of responsibility to keep everything in the right place. They also look pretty!
Any questions about organizing your space? Ask us below!
Just a small tip I have young children so instead of just writing labels, i added pictures for them. I actually searched for clipart pictures and let my children color them. It might not look so professional but the kids are so proud of their labels.
Is there a plastic bin that fits the games that come with the longer rectangular shaped boards – for ex. Chutes and Ladders, Candy Land, or Sorry?
Have you ever figured out how to store the long board games?
Maybe keep them in the boxes and store them lined up like when you line up books so taking out one game from the bottom of the pile doesnt mean a mess
I have a great playroom system at home and am director an early childhood center and have been working on upping the ante with toy storage for years. Some comments. It seems counter-intuitive to purchase plastic containers for board games that cost less than their containers. The original packaging is so much more appealing for board games. In my playroom, I have open shelving with bins for toys and a closed closet for board games. When the games fall apart. they are replaced. (Maybe with the exception of some pricey ones like Catan, Ticket to Ride, or some other special ones) Candyland is so much more appealing to kids in its cardboard box than in Container Store packaging.
Also, when using exposed open shelving, I never use transparent containers. I find that opaque colored bins are so much easier on the eye and look more organized. My favorite bins are a discontinued Ikea product, but important features are: lightweight, easy to close and opaque.
I am happy you mentioned that the containers are more expensive than the games themselves. I would really like to see pictures of how you organize. It sounds very practical for the busy working jewish mom..
J would probably put the cardboard box into the container store one or cut out some of it and put it so it’s visible.thats whatvibdidbwhen we had too many Celestial Seasonings tea heh I put into ziplocks
I’m in the market for a toy closet! Do you have a recommendation? It would be in my living room.
We have this post :]
We are looking for a games closet for our living room as well! I’d love any recommendations! Thank you!!
Any good idea how to store toys that are too large to fit into bins but end up being very messy plain on shelving?