Whether you’re baking….or really not baking, you can join a BYadeinu group and share in the zechus.
What should we tell you about first, this huge challah bake where over 115 groups of 40+ women each are going to be joining together, or the organization that it benefits?
Let’s start with challah.
One day, a woman came with her friend to see Rebbetzin Kanievsky z”l. Her friend was in need of a yeshuah and the Rebbetzin had instructed her to come when she would be separating challah so she could be part of the eis ratzon.
There were more than a dozen women present that day.
Rebbetzin Kanievsky separated the challah and said the bracha. Everyone present answered Amen. Then she walked over to the pushka and deposited a few bills. That’s when she closed her eyes and said tefillos for a few minutes before bentching all the women present…
Everyone knows how precious this mitzvah is, but not everyone has the time, ability, or need to bake challah weekly.
Now, join the BYadeinu challah bake, combining the mitzvos of challah and tzedakah, like Rebbetzin Kanievsky taught!
I’m baking and I want to be part of a group. What do I do?
Click here to join. Each group of 40+ bakers has a group leader, or ambassador. If you do bake weekly, click that you’re baking so you can be counted towards one of the 40. Then, choose your donation. It’s $2 weekly to be part of the initiative, and you can choose how long you’d like to be a part (18 weeks/$36) or longer. It’s also your choice whether you’re billed weekly or at once.
I’m not baking but I still want the zechus of being part of a group. What do I do?
Click here to join too. You’ll be added to a group of 40 women baking…even if you’re not baking! Simply don’t click “I bake challah…” By giving tzedakah and joining a group, you will share in the zechus.
Now about Kapayim:
It’s really a beautiful organization, and our heart was warmed when we heard about it. You know how when a family undergoes a medical crisis, whether it’s a parent or child that’s sick…where does it leave the other children? What is going on at home when mom is spending all day with her sick child? Or when the mother or father themselves are the one that’s sick and the spouse is there with them?
That’s where Kapayim steps in. Kapayim helps some families at home, whether it’s with dinner, taking care of the kids, or cleaning help…anything that’s needed for the day to day function. Help comes in whichever way the family needs. Someone needs to be there to meet the child when he gets off the school bus?
Or, kids can go to the “Kapayim Cabin” after school, a fun place where children do homework, eat dinner, and have lots of fun with lots of kids their own ages. There’s a weekly schedule and it’s exciting! There’s different programs for kids of different ages. At the end of the evening, a volunteer takes them home and helps to get them ready for bed. There’s three Kapayim Cabins located in Boro Park, Williamsburg, and Monsey.
Immunocompromised kids can also come there during the daytime (when it’s not busy) and have private tutors and Rebbeim so they can keep up with their schoolwork in a one-of-a-kind sterile classroom that has been built just for them.
Kapayim volunteers are also there to give the parents relief in the hospital, so they can go home to their other children. Volunteers come with toys and games, anything to make their visit exciting for the patient and distract them from their pain for awhile.
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