Presentation matters. And, yes, gifts are often better received when they’re presented in a nice way.
Some gifts, though, don’t come in a box, but you still want to see them packaged up nicely. Guess what–it’s even easier to wrap these than those boxed gifts!
Note: Don’t want to see the tape on the other side? You can use double-sided tape under the wrapping paper instead of the regular tape used here. Plus, we rounded up some wrapping paper options in this post. Here we go:
Lay out the wrapping paper.

Place gift on top and measure out enough wrapping paper so that it covers the width of the gift with a little extra. Cut the paper.

Fold over paper to meet in the middle

and tape the two sides together.

Fold up the base.

Then, open up the base to create a diamond shape.

Press down.

Fold triangle tips

to the middle

and tape down.


insert your gift!

Trim the top if needed

(or simply fold down multiple times).

Then fold down the top and tape closed.

So cool! This can be a DIY lunch bag too!
Only the fabulous team at BCP would come up with a seemingly minor idea but be a game changer for so many women! Keep it up thank you!
Where can I buy that toy shopping cart?
Here it is!
Thanks for sharing this idea! Do you have a post on how to wrap in cellophane? Or a post on how to make the pretty bows seen on gifts?