Is there a limit to how much sweeter life can become? The answer is here. Join Shiffy tomorrow at 10 a.m. EST.
Editor’s Note: Shiffy Friedman has been with us on BCP since the very beginning. She’s been that ever present voice of inspiration and gives all of those valuable moments to stop and think. We value her wisdom and we know we can all stand to gain a lot by hearing more of it! Now, let’s hear from Shiffy:
Whenever I tell women that in my counseling work (I have a Master’s in social work) and in my personal life I’ve taken a step away from psychology and have moved toward finding the answers to emotional wellbeing in Torah, they want to know, “But where?”
My answer to that question is LAHAV, an initiative I’ve founded—with daas Torah—to bring the light and guidance of Torah to all of you dear women, to all of us. An acronym for לב הבנה ביחד, LAHAV‘s goal is to light minds and ignite hearts. Through LAHAV, I look forward to making so many of the life-changing tips, techniques, and ideas culled from sefarim more accessible to frum women around the world so that we can truly embrace our gift and enjoy all of the wisdom and healing it has to offer.
Whether it’s navigating relationships, finding the path to contentment and inner peace, and enjoying a more vibrant Yiddishkeit, marriage, and parenting journey, the Torah has the answers to it all. Our mission at LAHAV is to unearth those gems together with you. (Listen to excerpts of LAHAV classes HERE.)
We women have this thing with gifts. If we love it, we live in it. And if the gift-giver didn’t get our taste or style just so, hmm… I wonder where that necklace disappeared to. (You’re not the only wife who has a story to tell!)
But then there’s the gift of Torah—and it’s in a class of its own. Sure, we all know about Shabbos and kashrus and all the other mitzvos around which our life revolves. But here’s the part of this gift that is way too hidden, way too unexplored, unnecessarily collecting dust in the back of the closet—and it’s the part that can fill us with so much joy, so much connection, so much fulfillment. This gift was granted to us by the One who knows us best, by a Hakadosh Baruch Hu who blew life into us, who fashioned our psyche. It is He who knows just what we need in order to live a most fulfilled, vibrant existence. And it’s through finding this timeless direction in Torah that we can start to live our best life.
As we count up the days toward matan Torah, we can give ourselves the gift of unwrapping this present, layer by layer, to explore its gems toward leading a more fulfilling, contented life. Whether we wish we can be less critical of ourselves, more present to our children, feel more fulfillment in our marriage, relate better to others, or just plain happier and more alive, there’s one guidebook that has all the answers.
Join us for our debut series, Project Kindle, as we strike the match and start to explore just how healing, profound, and effective the Torah’s guidance toward emotional wellbeing really is. This Shavuos, you’ll see the gift of Torah in a whole new light!
Project Kindle is a 5-class series, starting THIS TUESDAY, 4 Iyar/April 25 at 10:00 AM EST. Join us through Zoom, phone, or live (if you live in Eretz Yisrael). Each class includes a 45-minute shiur, followed by a 15-minute Q&A.
Timing doesn’t work for you? Replays and recordings will be accessible to participants until the end of the series.
For more details (including endorsements), to sign up for free messages on the topic, or to register, visit, write to, or call Esther Malky at 718-747-8344/055-339-6622. Or, ask your questions below and the LAHAV team will be happy to answer them for you.
The cost for the series is $250. BONUS! Enter the code BCP at checkout to receive a $10 discount.
Here’s a sneak peek of the Kindle syllabus!
Shaindy says
I am super excited to Join Shiffy on her Lahav program and mission tomorrow! She is a beacon of light that this world needs more of!
Shani says
This program is just what I am looking for! Can you explain a bit more on how this will work?
Thanks for providing klal Yisroel’s nashim tzidkaniyot with the essential tools of life!!
Dina says
Shiffy does not follow where the path may lead. She goes, instead, where there is no path and leaves a trail.
This is all I can say about Shiffy Friedman! She won’t pause for a minute. Always seeking to give more…
I am truly looking forward to start the Lahav program with her and gain in every area of life!
May it be with lots of hatzlacha!
Leah says
This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for! Finally an opportunity to stop, listen, learn, and grow!
It’s right up my alley – but what if I couldn’t make it today?
Shiffy Friedman says
Dear ladies,
Thanks so much for all this positive feedback! To those women who couldn’t make it to our class today, you can certainly still join Project Kindle. We’ve just about started to scratch the surface! Participants get access to replays and recordings, so you can watch the first class at a time that works for you, and join us live or on Zoom for the rest of the series.
Please reach out to or visit for more information.
Malka says
I”m so happy I joined LAHAV! Today’s class was just what I needed to hear. THe class has such a smooth flow and the content was deep yet so practical. I was left with so much food for thought!
I’m so looking forward to the rest of the series.
Rena says
where in yerushalayim is it
The LAHAV Team says
In Jerusalem Estates, off Geulah
For more information, and to hear about the special price for women living in EY, you can call our Israeli phone number: 055-339-6622.