When this carpet cleaning product came highly recommended for upholstery and even clothing, we gave it a whirl.
One of the most common messages we receive on Instagram come from women who want tips on how to get out stains… the stains might range from kids’ artwork on the walls to their artwork on the couches (notice a theme?) to a wide range of stains on clothing. While we don’t have a solution for all stains (Google might!), when this product was recommended, we thought we’d try it out!
Now, while Folex is officially a carpet cleaner, it works well on mattresses, upholstery, and even clothing – all materials. (As always try in an inconspicuous spot and test it out before using it.)
One thing that we noticed that surprised us when writing up this post was the huge amount of reviews it has! 70,000! Some even called this “Miracle in a bottle.”
We’re skeptical to call anything a miracle, but we did see fantastic results when we tested it out ourselves.
chances are you’ll need a refill which in case you’re wondering where to purchase it, they sell it in Lowe’s
Happy cleaning
Thank you for this!
This was featured on Nshei News’ WhatsApp status a while back. I bought it then and have used it since with great results! It’s definitely worth buying!
A scam in a bottle. I’m afraid there’s a group of people roaring with laughter out in their California company while filling their bottles with plain water and selling it to a world of gullible people.
After hearing about this product from several social media influencers i was excited to purchase it and finally get rid of some stains around the house. Truthfully it was useless and as effective as plain water.
I tested it on carpet steps and upholstered chairs and there was absolutely no difference between those washed with folex or with water. In fact dish soap would do a better job.
I tried it on laundry too and it didn’t work… I asked around some of my friends and they all agreed it didn’t work for them but “everyone said its the magic soap”
Curious if someone has an actual before and after picture along with exact instructions..
Hi! We tested it on carpets and upholstery and we’re happy with the results.
i got it for a clothing i love it for white and light color clothing just before i wash it works great with shobbes food grape juice chocolate ….
I purchased it at that time, and I’ve had nothing but success with it since! Definitely worthwhile to buy and play free game geometry dash online !