There are always those boys that yell and scream the day that it’s time for their first haircut. You can make sure they’re brave and ready.
You know the moment. Just when you want to capture that milestone, they toss their yarmulke and cry and cry while you keep trying to take that photo. One way to avoid this is to role play before something as significant as a first haircut.
I love preparing the kids with books and toys. Usually I also take the boys on a trip to the barber so they can watch a haircut and see what to expect.
Well, no there’s no barber available to visit now! But there are some books and toys that can help you role play together.
How about a tutorial for giving haircuts at home, as well as best hair cutting machines?
As a mother of four boys in a row, i feel authorized to recommend a hair-cutting machine. 🙂 We have been giving many haircuts over the last few years.
After using the Oster for many years, someone informed my husband about the Panasonic- its a bit pricier but comes with attachments that you can adjust to any size, eliminating the need to purchase attachments. Its cordless and very light and a pleasure to use.
Thanks for recommending a machine!
Glad to help!
For those that know what number they use from the Oster machine- a 4, 3.5… there’s a guide online that you can print out of the mm size of the blade attachments so you know what size to set this Panasonic machine to.
Hope I’m clear… when in doubt google it. Lol
I found this poster very helpful when I started cutting my boys’ hair.
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