It’s so hard to please those older boys with kosher entertainment. These picks will do the job!
Your boys have finished learning with their chavrusas, said extra Tehillim, played some one-on-one on the driveway and it’s only 2 PM! You need some quiet time so the little ones can nap and you can catch up on some work that was due a week ago. If there ever was a need for screen time, this is it. But what can you put on for them that’s kosher, age-appropriate and easily accessible?
We had a 12-year-old boy recommend some of the Jewish video rentals available for streaming. No need for youtube – just set them up with some fun entertainment from a frum source!
We’d love to hear if there are any others your boys have enjoyed and would recommend to friends!
Esty says
My kids have watched the Partisans & Biker Boys twice! They were both great. My boys are ages 8 & 11. They was alittle scary for the 8 year old but very much enjoyed.
Di says
Zusman is available free streaming on zman online
Scary and long
Malky says
What is the website for the Zusman live stream?
Leah says
Kiki says
it doesn’t let me watch anything! any clue how to get on? is there a more direct link? thanks!