A Newborn Baby is the Best Joy There Is. Don’t You Agree?
1,000 Between Carpools Readers will join together with 18,000 women bringing about miracles for families without children–every single week. Join us!
Imagine how good it feels when you learn that a woman that previously couldn’t have children could finally experience the joy of having a newborn — and you played a part! When we hear stories like the one below, it feels infinitely good. Our little dollar can have this big impact? That’s what Bonei Olam’s VZakeini program is about. All our little dollars, banding together.
The cost of an IVF treatment is $18,000 – it enables so many women to have children who previously couldn’t. The VZakeini program is simple. Bonei Olam’s goal is to connect 18,000 women each of whom donate $1 a week (your card is charged at candle lighting time before Shabbos). That enables another woman to have a baby every single week!
There are already over 10,000 women signed up, giving $1 every week. Their card is charged before candle lighting time, an especially auspicious moment for tzedakah, as tzedakah before candle lighting powers up our tefillos and give us an extra special eis ratzon.
We committed to help Bonei Olam get 1,000 sign ups for the VZakeini program. Sign up now to be one of 18,000 women bringing about a miracle every single week.
Here’s another true story about one of the families who were able to experience the joy of children because of Bonei Olam:
There was one couple who was being seen by one doctor at Cornell. It was their last chance; after this, they were told, the doors would be closed.
The wife was sitting in the waiting room, waiting for the doctor to come out and give some kind of prognosis. He finally appeared.
“I looked over the results, and we couldn’t find anything. I’m afraid the doors are shut.”
She began to tear, and in a shaking voice, managed to get the words out, “Did you try your hardest?”
“I always try my hardest,” the doctor said.
“I want to ask you if you tried your hardest,” she repeated.
The couple went home, and the husband left for shul. When he came home, he saw a dining room table set as if it were Yom Tov. A fancy tablecloth, the china, the cutlery was all out. There were fresh florals in the center of the table. The home smelled erev Yom Tov. He thought he was dizzy from the events of the day; perhaps he walked into the wrong home. There were no occasions to celebrate in his home. He left the house, walked around the block, and came back. Perhaps now he’d be back in reality. But everything looked like it had a few minutes before. It looked like Yom Tov.
He walked into the kitchen, “What’s going on here?”
His wife answered, “In my mind, I always thought we’d have children. But not that we got our final psak, I decided that Hashem gave me the zechus that I could withstand the nisayon that I could live without children. So we are having a seudah to tell Hashem that we will embrace it.”
She served the meal shortly afterwards, they ate, then went to sleep.
The phone rang at 6:30 a.m. It was the doctor. “I want to see you in the office at 8 a.m.,” he said. “What happened?”
“Yesterday, in the office, when you asked me if I had tried my hardest…the question was eating at me. I couldn’t sleep all night. So I came in early today. I usually have my assistant review the results and give me the numbers, and that’s what I did yesterday. But this time I had to look again and go through it myself. I found a chance. We are going to try.”
This couple soon afterwards had twins, and then another boy after that.
The joy of holding your new baby…can you imagine ever living without it? Sign up and be part of the VZakeini program – help us reach our goal to help Bonei Olam get 1,000 more women!
Between Carpools
Between Carpools is a collaboration between five talented friends who like to get a lot of stuff done “between carpools.” Since 2016, we’ve been sharing home and organizing tips, parenting insights, activities, how-to’s and DIYs, and of course, entertaining ideas, recipes, and inspiring reads both on the site and app.
Reader Interactions
What a beautiful post! I’m crying as I hold my newborn. I signed up already, and I think it’s great that you are encouraging others to do the same! What a zechus!
I would like to commit to contributing $1 a week at candlelighting to help women who have not yet been blessed with children? How do I sign up and what happens next? I would also like to post it on our community chat, with your permission, to get others to commit as well. Thank you for you guidance
I know this post is a year old, but just feel that I should update: this week, vzakeini already has 35,341 women donating a dollar weekly! We are almost at our second goal, which is $36,000 a week to sponsor 2 couples’ IVF treatment weekly. Please, if you haven’t joined yet, now is the time! everyone deserves to build a family!
(I am not affiliated with bonei olam in any way. I’m just a regular woman like you who feels for all the couples waiting to hold their own baby)
What a beautiful post! I’m crying as I hold my newborn. I signed up already, and I think it’s great that you are encouraging others to do the same! What a zechus!
I would like to donate also 1$ every week. Where do I sign up?
I would like to commit to contributing $1 a week at candlelighting to help women who have not yet been blessed with children? How do I sign up and what happens next? I would also like to post it on our community chat, with your permission, to get others to commit as well. Thank you for you guidance
I know this post is a year old, but just feel that I should update: this week, vzakeini already has 35,341 women donating a dollar weekly! We are almost at our second goal, which is $36,000 a week to sponsor 2 couples’ IVF treatment weekly. Please, if you haven’t joined yet, now is the time! everyone deserves to build a family!
(I am not affiliated with bonei olam in any way. I’m just a regular woman like you who feels for all the couples waiting to hold their own baby)