And I’ve been looking. Everywhere. Instant coffee is usually disappointing. This Nescafe espresso is amazing.
I take my morning cup of java quite seriously if you know what I mean. My coffee machine is practically a family member. She (our coffee machine) gets the best coffee beans (straight from Italy, where else), weekly cleanups and yes, the best care possible. Some might even say I talk to her on a daily basis. But that’s nonsense. Mostly.
To conclude, great coffee takes patience and care.
So, what happens when Shabbos comes around? How are we supposed to relax on the couch on Shabbos morning if not with a delicious cup of coffee?
I always found it so frustrating that on the most important day of the week, the day that I actually have the time to sit and savor the moment, I sadly, have to rely on instant coffee.
How unfair.
Until I finally discovered this finely ground espresso powder that really does the trick. And my Shabbos morning is restored. Phew.
This coffee is great in recipes as well. Think ice creams, mousses, meats.
You can also use this coffee to make iced coffee on Shabbos. See this post for instructions.
Note: There is no hechsher on the bottle. We called the OU and they said coffee such as this (unflavored) does not need a hechsher. (FYI: The “crema” referred to on the bottle is not milk, it’s the layer of foam that forms when you prepare a cup).
Try it. You won’t be disappointed.
Edited to add: Some readers have brought to our attention that because of the way this coffee is made, the only way to drink in on shabbos would be to use a kli shlisi. Pour water into a cup, pour that water into a second cup. Then add coffee. For clarification, ask your LOR.
It definitely is! Whenever we go to Switzerland we stock up on them!
Can we have link to the mug? It’s gorgeous!!
I never comment! But lots of rabbis say pourovers permissible on shabbas!
Paying this life changing news forward;)
Yes, our rabbi allows it. We drink delicious brewed coffee on shabbos now.
Just FYI I bought the Nescafé gold espresso on your recommendation and it has an OU on the jar!
So excited to try this!! I’m a real coffee addict and Shabbos is rough
If it’s coming from London, it won’t have an OU, but it may be on the list of kosher foods that are approved by the rabbis for using. When I go to London, I download the app London Kosher, and it gives all approved foods.
NESCAFÉ Gold Rich is premium soluble coffee, with added finely ground roasted coffee to give you a rich barista inspired coffee at home.
– because as quoted above, Nescafe Gold includes roasted granules in addition to regular instant coffee, one may run into certain issues of Bishul on Shabbos, beyond those which would be found when using regular instant coffee. Please check with your LOR.
LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! so so good, I ordered and sent one of each to my closest…for shalach monosyllabic, was a hit!!
That is soooo good 🙂
I found this in my grocery, but the granules are large, like regular instant coffee. Is the taste the same, or is it a completely different product?
That was probably the gold coffee not espresso. I have both. The espresso is powdery…
I actually use the espresso powder in iced coffee. The powder dissolves in cold water… I add coffee, a little room temp water to dissolve. Fill cup 3/4 with ice cubes. Add water halfway up and top with milk. Best!!!!
Hi just received my expresso gold coffee there isn’t a hechser on it the jar .. can anyone explain ?
Does anyone know if this is okay for Pesach?
Thank you!!
can anyone help with finding more info on making this coffee on shabos
What the recipe?