We know how it is. Some books are more fun to read than others. Here are the ones I personally pick from our bookshelf, at bedtime.
This is a list of over 30 books even you will enjoy reading – we have recommendations for younger children (2-6) and older ones (4-8) too.
Bedtime is a special time, a way to end the day in a cozy and sweet note.
“Mommy, can you read me a book!” is a precious stage that gets quickly replaced once they learn how to read on their own. But, bedtime should be enjoyable, not just for your child, but for you too. Because those moments are so special and important in every childhood. They’re freshly bathed, teeth brushed…and you’re getting cozy together whether in bed or on the couch…
So, how do we make the reading books part fun? By buying books that are well-written, funny and entertaining helps. That means for the adults too.
Here is a great list, and we read them all. About one thousand times. No, this is not an exaggeration. Any mom will know I speak the truth. (Some books we can quote by heart by now). For a review of recent Jewish books for every age, see this post.
To view all our kids favorites in our amazon shop click here.
Devora says
This list looks great! Thank you so much! I loved the lists for older kids but mine are younger, so I’m really happy to see this one!!
BF says
Nice selection! Any yiddish books??
R says
Yeah, maybe do a survey or something and readers can send in Yiddish recommendations? I would love that!
Bina says
Miss Viola Swamp! What a trip down memory lane. How about the cat in the hat?!
There are SO many incredible frum books out there these days. Hashem is Truly Everywhere, My mommy loves me, the Aleph Bais trip on the Aleph bais ship, I can eat everything, the Dovi books, rav Avigdor Miller and the apple seed. The big book of middos books, step into those shoes, once upon a time, goodnight my friend Aleph, Hashem loves me, Hashem’s candy store, it only takes a minute, when I Daven… so many great choices with gorgeous illustrations!
Miriam Hammer says
Some of our favorites for the under 6 group: The Cat in the Hat, Goodnight Moon, Goodnight Goodnight Construction Sight, Green Eggs and Ham, Elephant and Piggie books
For the under 3 group: I Love You Through and Through, Where Am I? Where is the Green Sheep? Dear Zoo, The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Devoiry says
Hashem!!!! I know that when a mother takes the time to read bedtime stories to her kids, that alone is special, but we live in a world where books of our Great Tzadikim are available in every language and for every age and stage. I want to cry when stupid books, writen by non-jews are promoted! Please, we are Yidishe Mamas, and if you take the time to do something so special, please, grab the oppurtunity to instill into your neshamalach some Yiras Shamayim! Not Stupidity!!!!
S says
Agree! We have so much yiddishe talent.
Mindy says
I have to agree as well. There are so many amazing Jewish books out there, with new ones coming out practically every day. We have so so many favorites! The Middos train series (I can be a gibor, I can be mevater etc), Dovi and Yael series, Middos man series, Shimmy shambone, the Hachai books – I go to X, Shabbos Shabbos I love you, Is it Shabbos Yet, the Artscroll big book of middos books, Hashem loves me, messes of dresses. Fill your child’s neshama, not just their brain!
Rachel says
I Agree as well!
A says
I’m not sure why this has to be a mutually exclusive concept… why can’t we all read our children beautiful Jewish children’s books with all of the middos and lessons in them, and also read the cute funny non-Jewish books? Personally, we don’t live in a community with a Jewish library, and not everyone can afford to buy new Jewish books all the time. It’s nice to have some options of books that we can get from the local library – or from Amazon for a lot less money than the Jewish books cost. My kids love the Middos Train series, Round and Round the Jewish Year, we have tons of books about Shabbos and we like to buy new books for each yuntif. However, they’re voracious little readers and love exploring new things in their little worlds! They love the newer Dr. Suess books which are less about the random silly things and talk about weather, space, the human body etc. They love Curious George books! Our personal favorite is A Perfectly Messed Up Story – I think every frum home should have a copy. It isn’t a Jewish book, but the message is so beautiful and so important for kids to learn – that everything is designed with a purpose. And when things are “messed up”, we have to remember that they are “Perfectly Messed Up” – orchestrated by Hashem. I love the conversations that some of these books have sparked. If it’s not your personal hashkafa to read these types of books, then just skip the post and move on – Between Carpools also posted a list of great new Jewish books! Thanks BCP for the ideas – it will give us something else to look for at the library this week!
Devoiry says
Being Jewish is a lot more of an expensive life than a non jew’s life, in every aspect. They can go with flip flops for 99 cents, an undershirt and shorts for another few dollars. Take the average Jewish person, and they are worth at least $50 – 100 dollars at any given time. We are a lot more dignified than them and don’t settle for less. Yes, it is nice to save money, but not on the cheshbon of Yidishkeit. Take an old classical book of GoldieLocks. It sounds innocent, but she does so many Aveiros! She doesn’t listen to her mother, she steals, she breaks someone else’s possessions… Whatever. Why would you want to read that to your kids? And at bedtime? So they fall asleep with these thoughts? Gosh!!! Again, you specified that jewish libaries are not so readily available in your community. Well then I guess you make do with what you have, but we can order online nowadays, and yes it is more expensive, but you know what, I pay for my Yidishkeit. And I am very proud with it.
Thank You BCP for your amazing posts. For those saying that if I don’t like it I should just move on, well if BCP is allowed to post whatever they want, then so may I. And if you don’t like my post, move on.
I feel however that if anyone will be inspired by my comments to pay the extra few dollars and buy Jewish Books written with so much heart, soul and Yiras Shamayim, it’s worth it.
BCP, maybe you post links to Eichlers?
BG says
Thank you for the chizzuk, and the reminder of what my priorities are and where my values lie. Much appreciated and kol hakavod.
That said, thank you BCP for this list and for so, so, much you’ve helped me in all areas of my life. You should all be gebenched!!
Sara rabi says
Thank you so much for this list of books! I’m always looking for new ones that are recommended . Just ordered some!
JH says
When I Check on You at Night
get your silly/creative and your Jewish.
jh says
P.s. My rosh seminary came for a visit and TOLD my kids the story But No Elephants by heart about 10 times (by request after the first time). Later we searched and searched to be able to buy a copy. It has great values of hard work and achdus and that was what the Rabbi imparted to my kids, along with the fun of the repetitious and unusual storyline.
Rivka says
i don’t know why everyone cares
if you won’t read non jewish books to your kids don’t but other women can and will
Shulamit says
Can you please edit this post and summarize the storyline of each book and why your kids love it? Is it the rhymes? The message? The pictures? Etc
Reder says
Incredible list
Thecraftymorah says
As a playgroup morah for 3 year olds, these are our favorites!
-Caps for sale, but has to be animated, also i change the words That the peddler doesnt say please so monkeys dont understand to give the caps back. Once he understands to say please and thank you, they give them back!
-Go dogs go is also great for toddlers learning colors and opposite.
-Fish out of water is so good!
-something from nothing by pheobe gilman. I change the words to make it more appropriate for my group (like joseph to yosef, grandpa fo zaidy…) but the repetitive nature of the book and the pictures which are absolutely adorable make it a big favorite
-the little house by virgina lee burton. So cute and the pictures are cute!
Rachel Brandwine says
wow really sad that these books are what we have come to. how bout some stories of tzaddikim?? we are living in unprecedented times of hatred of the goyim around us, yet we resort to their books/? lets be proud of our Judaism! Mashiach is on his way maybe we can tell that to our precious children
B.F. says
Check our bubbystories.com its a frum Bubby who records herself reading childrens books. I let my kids watch it as a treat every once in a while. Lots of jewish options there and you dont have to buy it 😉
Rochel R says
The Imagination Library will mail a free book every month.
PJ Library is not recommended because it is Jewish themed but secular. Sort of like a treif kosher-style deli