Boys (and girls!) can benefit when there’s fun learning resources available at home. These are tried-and-true ways to pique his interest.
Editor’s Note: A few months ago, one reader wrote to us, “This is just a suggestion of something I’d love to see–and I’m sure others would too. I have a bunch of boys that learn very little secular subjects in school. It would be so nice to have some resources for fun games and maybe workbooks to supplement whatever they learn in school at home–preferably more towards history and science. Thanks for all you do. You’re literally my big sister.” We loved the idea and put it on the calendar, even though we didn’t have a writer yet! A few weeks after that, R. L. Rottenberg emailed us, “I have a lot of boys and their English curriculum could definitely use supplementation. Over the years I collected a bunch of these kinds of things in my house and would love to share. If you want an article about this topic with good ideas I definitely have the information.” What a shidduch! So, here it is. Now, let’s hear from Mrs. Rottenberg.

I am a mom of a bunch of boys. I love my boys’ school but I also understand that there is only so much they can accomplish in the short amount of time they have for general studies learning. Therefore I am always on the lookout for ways to give them more knowledge and information. Games and toys are my favorite way to sneak in learning at home in a natural and fun way
There are so many ways to help your kids learn more. We always want to give them more to think about and help them be observers of the world around them. Every home can be a place where kids love learning!
The winter is a great time to play cozy indoor games, color in some cute workbooks and put together giant floor puzzles. Why not make these chilly winter moments fun learning experiences too?
Here are some favorites for all you boy moms out there, or anyone really!
Besides the talking globe, I bought my son the biggest fanciest Atlas with ALL the information you could ever want to know about anything ANYWHERE lol. He read it through countless times and could spout amazing facts about any place anyone ever mentioned. (He has a master degree in education today lol).
can you please link the atlas?
Sorry, that was about 15+ years ago!
If your son is a reader, buy him Zman and especially Makif magazines. Well written, non fluffy articles about current and historical events. They can really learn alot, majority or all of which they would not likely cover in school (not a criticism of the system at all, it’s a great cheder, there’s just so much they can do in their limited time.)
And capitalize on whichever interests your son has!
Also suggestions for older boys (grade 5+_ from anyone would be appreciated.
One idea is Mesila’s workbooks, they have one for middle schoolers and for JH (and others). Excellent money management skills.
This globe in on a big sale today and is phenomenal.
great card game that has been a game changer for my boys to learn about the world
The World Game – Geography Card Game – Educational Board Game for Kids, Family & Adults – Cool Learning Gift Idea for Teenage Boys & Girls
Beware of DK Smithsonian books, the pictures are amazing but it may not be appropriate for your family. I bought the one on Flowers and it is full of topics such as detailed male/female reproduction, cultural/holidays, avoda zara etc