Shrink wrap is super practical plus gives a professional look to your mishloach manos. And it’s so easy to do!
I first learned how easy it is to shrink wrap a few years ago when hanging around my BCP friends. I couldn’t believe how easy it was! Shrink-wrapping gives that finished, professional look to a package. Plus, it’s super practical and will keep the contents of your package from floating around.
Just place your items inside the shrink wrap bag. A simple piece of wood or cutting board from the dollar store are great options as a base for your shrink-wrapped package (I once used a piece of chalkboard that I had cut into 6×12-inch pieces at Home Depot).
Fold the extra plastic under your packaging and tape closed. You can trim the end of the bag first if there’s a ton of extra.
Then, just turn on your blower and blow your packaging! The shrink wrap will shrink around the contents.
How great does that look?
Here are some shrink wrap bags in popular sizes. Choose a size that is larger than your packaging to accommodate your contents as well.
Mindy says
They sell shrink wrap on a roll too
Zahava says
Thank you this is just what I was looking for!
PH says
Best hack ever – a friend of mine got fed up with blowdrying all her mishloach manos so she put them on a baking pan and stuck them in the over at 350 for about 20 seconds. She kept the light on and watched them carefully. She got them all done at once in a fraction of the time! If you do this, you may have to touch up small parts that didn’t shrink using the blowdryer.
Miriam says
Wow PH that’s awesome!!
Chani sfaum says
Hi! Thanks so much for this post. I was just wondering if you knew why I get holes in the shrink wrap. Do you think if I buy a better quality plastic bag this wouldn’t happen?
Leah says
How can I prevent chocolate from melting when blow drying the shrink wrap? I tried holding the blower farther away or only blow drying the bottom or sides. It usually ends up melting a bit
Miriam says
Leah, I was wondering if you freeze the chocolates before you shrink wrap maybe that will solve the problem
Mindy says
Do you have to use “Shrink wrap bags”? Will regular cellophane work too?
sarah says
I don’t think that you can use regular cellophane. It might melt…
Sora Malka says
I’ve done it and it was great! You have to be careful but I’m sure the same applies to shrink wrap also.
bracha says
Has anyone tried freezing an item after its been shrink wrapped (ie: cake)? After it defrosts, does the shrink wrap look cloudy or does it dry clear? Thanks!
Sora Malka says
I want to know too! I’m worried that it will not look good and I don’t think I can leave it for the last minute…
Chris Wang says
Thanks a lot, this is what I am looking for. But I need a shrink machine also. Can you help me with this type: