Hard to make the transition from lazy summer days to those rushed school mornings? Here’s how to make it easier.
What is it about this back to school time of the year that I love? Is it the brand new shoes? The fresh start each kid gets to reinvent himself? Or the long-awaited structure the kids are craving?
We go from one extreme to the other, literally, overnight. One day they’re in their PJs till noon and the next day they’re standing at the bus stop in their crisp uniforms and shiny school shoes.
So what can we do to make this massive changeover run more smoothly? Here are some ideas that have helped me over the years:
- Create a ”reference” binder to store all the school information papers that you’ll want to refer back to throughout the year. That way you’ll have all the information at your fingertips when you need it.
- For new-to-school moms: Find someone to be your go-to mother in your child’s school to ask all your ”silly” questions. Don’t be shy to ask! You will save yourself from a lot of trouble. Trust me on this one.
- Make an excel spreadsheet or a simple chart of all the school supplies you will need for each child so you won’t be running to the store 10 times.
- This one I learned from my uber-organized sister: if your school gives out a standard supplies list, save it from year to year and store it in your reference binder (See #1). That way you won’t need to wait for the school to send the new list next year. You’ll have it already from last year. (Note: these lists hardly change)
- There are amazing sales on school supplies at this time of the year. Stocking up on basic supplies like pens, pencils, glue, paper, whiteout etc. will definitely come to good use throughout the year, but stay away from the not-so-basic supplies.
- When stocking up don’t buy too much. You don’t run an institution. Think of a normal amount that might be needed per child for the year.
- Designate a container for extra supplies so you’ll be able to find it when something runs out. Don’t forget to label it.
- To beat the long lines at the stores, call stores ahead of time to ask them when are their most busy hours. Did you know you can Google this question?
- Shoe store woes? Learn how to fit! Let’s just say that no one has to go to 4 years of college to learn how to fit shoes. That way you could help yourself in the store and it will go faster. Or better yet, shop online.
- Do you need to prepare lunches every day for your child? Writing a list of some easy ideas takes just a few minutes. Most of us don’t have time to be creative when we’re in a rush.
A brand new year is a great time for everyone to brush up on their organizational skills. It will definitely help your children start off on the right foot.
Wondering how you can learn to fit shoes?
For most kids who don’t have complicated situations (like an instep etc) try on size above and below and stick your finger inside the back of the shoe. If you can’t get your finger in, then it’s too tight. Then make them walk. If it falls off when they walk, it’s too loose. You want just right!