Your family eats a lot of cheese so you buy those large economical stacks. But what’s the best way to store the slices so they stay fresh and don’t harden?
When I was a kid, my mother always had American cheese in the fridge. It was stored in a special container and I never thought about it. That was a cheese container. End of story.
In recent years, I found out that our cheese container is actually a pickle holder! In a stroke of genius, my mother repurposed what was supposed to hold pickles as the perfect cheese holder and dispenser.
Because of the liftable insert in just the right size to hold half a stack (store the rest in a ziploc bag in the fridge or freezer), this container can hold your cheese and give easy access to take off one slice at a time. Then just pop the lid on and the cheese stays fresh and soft!
Do you have any similar childhood hacks that blew your mind as an adult?
Anonymous says
Does it hold the whole brick? It looks shorter
Esti says
In the post it says it holds half the stack.
Becca says
I split the stack into three and put them into separate ziploc bags. Use one at a time so the rest stay fresh.
SG says
If you take out the holder you can fit most of the stack standing and then the rest that doesn't fit on the side of the cheese stack. Been doing it for 20 years…
Leah says
How do you remove slices if you got rid of the holder?
Manny Negron says
so far the only nice solution I have found, thanks for sharing!
Cc says
I got this, but I find liquid collects on the bottom. How do you avoid this?