We found some things will make the little things easier for lefties.
Are you a lefty? Do you love a lefty? I’ve got a couple of left-handed kids and over the years we’ve come across a few tasks that are so much more difficult simply because this world is designed for righties.
Of course, we all know about lefty scissors. But there are many more challenges. Opening a can with a regular can opener can be like playing a game of twister for a lefty. And sharpening a pencil? That’s a backwards struggle, too. I’ve bought spiral notebooks in Israel so the spiral would be on the correct side – but then the holes are on the wrong side. Not a perfect solution. Lefty notebooks to the rescue!
We’ve pulled together some of our favorite left-hand specific gadgets, but we’d love to hear from all of you. What are your lefty struggles and what have you found that helps?? Share in the comments below! (Disclaimer: these items are priced significantly higher than those for right-handed people. Sigh.)
Love this! My lefty’s are still young but my 11 yr old is gonna love the pens.
I’m a lefty but never really felt like I needed a special pen or sharpener for it… But definitely the scissors would help! Thanks!
Same here, I never had any issues with cutting, writing or anything else. The only time I find it hard is when I am sitting at a table with a righty on my left side and trying to eat. The notebook though looks great (shame I didn’t know abt it when I was still in school).
I’m also a lefty. I didn’t even realize the struggle
How is a tape measure used differently?
It reads from right to left and is designed to be worn on the left side.
Has any lefties out there found it harder to open bottles of sodas? My lefty son still struggles with it even though he’s already 11 and I’m wondering if it’s a lefty thing.
A top spiral notebook is also great for a leftie and possibly cheaper …
True! Thank you for this.
Lefty liquid measuring cups! My husband bought me one when we were engaged!
The dollar store sells these. I bought them for myself (I’m a righty) and I couldn’t use them
I would love to find a left handed measuring cup (or one that reads the cup measurements on both sides)
The can opener! Thank you!!!
As a lefty myself and now the mother of a lefty preschooler, I like to encourage right handed ness for smaller skills because it’s a right handed world! I’ve always cut, opened cans and bottles and done many other activities that way. Not to be cruel but I want to raise a flexible child who can use measuring tape/cups and can openers in any home. Of course I use a right handed mouse and have developed many right handed strengths over the years as well.
The no smear pens look useful and will definitely keep the spiral notebook in mind! Thanks for the acknowledgement and I do blame my lack of athletic abilities on the uncoordinated leftism.
Same here , the only thing I struggle with is knives- can only use serrated knives – which is fine when I’m in my own home but when I’m by my in-laws they don’t have any serrated knives… (my father is a lefty too so I guess without me realizing why my house always had plenty serrated knives around …)
You just clued me in after all these as to why my husband will only use serrated knives! I didn’t know this was a lefty thing… He is a lefty!
Yes, as a left handed person, I also agree with learning to use and using regular items used for regular tasks in a right handed manner. When I finally got a left handed scissor while in elementary school, I actually couldn’t use it. Another thing that’s also for right handed people- is a matchbox. But many things I don’t even realize I’m doing right handed until they were pointed out to me. It’s just better and easier to adapt.
Lefty kitchen shears!!! My husband got me a really expensive set for a gift, but they don’t work well for me, u less I use them ‘upside down’.
im so excited about the leftie spiral!
its always so annoying when i take notes in school and i cant reach the end of the paper!
how does the leftie pen make the ink not smudge?
i keep looking for a leftie ice cream scooper as i break mine by putting pressure on the releasing bar when scooping out the icecream
lmk if you know where to get such a thing
Same Here! I would love a lefty ice cream scooper!! This is the only thing I seem to still have trouble with.
I’m looking for a lefty knife desperately. If someone has a link or store/company that I can get it