You don’t have more time in your day. But you can find enjoyment and “self-care” moments that are already built into your current schedule. This is how.
Who can believe it’s been almost a month since Pesach? The dust has settled and we’re all pretty much back in our routines.
Before we know it, our daily grind kicks in, stronger than ever. Many of us women have a tendency to overwork, because that’s what life Between Carpools looks like. It’s too easy to get so busy with everyone and everything around us, causing us to neglect the most important person in this equation. You. We often don’t prioritize our needs before the needs of the people around us. This is normal, because we’re in such nurturing environments.
People are very into “Self Care,” but that doesn’t speak to all of us. “Sure, I’ll just get my nails done the day I don’t have to run to work.” “I’ll treat myself to a massage when my bank account allows it.” “I’d love to go to the gym, but I’ll go once my kids are all grown up and I have extra time.” Self-care can easily sound like a luxury we can’t afford.
I would venture to guess that you’re already taking the steps to take care of yourself regularly. There are probably small things that you don’t even realize you do, like eating well, dressing in a way you like, or doing certain errands that you enjoy. We all take care of ourselves in some way, but we don’t all tune in to what it is and call it “self-care.” We just think of these things as being part of life.
This is where a little thought can go a long way. Imagine yourself being pampered in the way you love, every single day. I’m going to teach you how to achieve that. I want you to review your daily schedule and notice the small things you do that you enjoy.

1. Is it your morning coffee?
2. Sitting down with a magazine for a few minutes?
3. Taking a relaxing shower?
4. Do you enjoy the peace and quiet late at night or predawn?
5. Do you enjoy the first few minutes right before you eat lunch?
6. Folding laundry?
7. Is it when you’re preparing supper?
8. Washing dishes?
I want you to really think about this. Which part of the day do you enjoy most?
Now, decide that this is going to be your daily self care. The next time you do the thing, be very conscious that this is your special time. As you go about the activity, I want you to really enjoy it. Let yourself savor the moment. This is your time.
Why do I sense so much hesitation? Could it be your thinking, “This idea is cute, but it’s never going to work for me because…”? “I don’t really like doing the dishes, I just have too.” Or “I wish I could truly enjoy my coffee, but there’s no way with all these cute little people interrupting me.” “This isn’t real self-care. What I really need is a vacation or time to go to the gym.”
We tend to think we can’t personalize general concepts in a way that works. We don’t realize that if we want to, we have the power to make anything work. We just have to be willing to try.
When we’re doing the thing anyways, why not turn it into “Me Time” and make it so much more enjoyable? Enjoy your next coffee or shower or folding laundry. Make it your special time. Breathe in while you do it. Take in the experience.
We can choose to feel stuck in our daily routine and our life circumstances, or we can decide to enjoy ourselves in the process. When we become more intentional with the things we’re doing anyway, we realize how much we’re already doing to take care of ourselves.
This idea is so helpful because it takes away the victim mindset, thinking we’re forced into our daily routine, and lets us enjoy all the good parts of life that we already have. With the attitude of enjoyment, we’re so much more productive and happy.
Good point! So true! Thanks for this
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Wow! This is powerful. Thanks
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Wow!! i’m actually really impressed! You really showed how to be able to have the proper self-care mindset without the selfish thoughts that women have these days in regard to their self care. I also really liked how you said that one shouldn’t be in the victim mindset. really powerful! thanks for sharing!
nice!!! just what I needed to read!! I’m a mom of 3 and my oldest is 3 so this feels like hey it’s possible to self care! thanks bracha!!
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Genius! thank you! Can’t wait to try it