Sukkos is the time when we are literally sitting in Hashem’s arms. How can we bring the comfort of this protection to all our days (even the scary and painful ones)? (Print and read over Sukkos!) On erev Rosh Hashanah, we Yidden in Eretz Yisrael experienced the special feeling of consummate protection and unparalleled love…
We’re Commanded to Be Joyful on Sukkos. How Do We Attain It?
We search for things to make us happy, but sometimes it’s elusive. These are the true sources of joy and how to really find that happiness this Yom Tov. On Wings of JoyAttaining True Joy on the Zeman Simchaseinu Sukkos is a holiday dedicated to mastering joy. We are commanded in the Torah explicitly, “V’samachta…
Sukkah Decor Picks (& They’re All Amazon Prime)
Did you plan your sukkah decor? Want it to be super easy (and affordable) to make it beautiful? These ideas will help…even at the last minute! (This was originally posted in 2019, 2020, 2021,2022 and 2023 and updated with even more suggestions for 2024!) Set of 2 Hanging Wall Vases with Artifical Eucalyptus Amber 10pc…
Spotlight on: The Most Beautiful Items for Your Sukkah
From tablecloths, gorgeous murals and chandeliers, to the sweets that grace the table, these are some of our favorites resources this Sukkos. Sukkah Creations Use code BCPSUKKAH for 10% off Sukkah Creations! Sukkah Creations features stunning Sukkah murals at great prices! Their breathtaking murals are printed on strong vinyl with grommets to allow for easy…
Stay Warm In Shul Or In The Sukkah With The Perfect Cardigan Or Wrap
Ease the transition into the chilly season with a pretty sweater or cape that replaces your weekday sweatshirt. On Shabbos and Yom Tov, we like to have a layer to easily throw on top of our dressier clothing. Something to keep us warm while still maintaining the Shabbos – and shul – spirit. Especially on…
Using the Joy of Sukkos to Bring Down the Barriers in Our Life
How to take advantage of Sukkos to come close to Hashem and those around us. It’s been an awe inspiring Yamim Noraim, replete with mindful soul searching and dedicated self-improvement. We’ve made ourselves vulnerable, we’ve shed our facade, and we’ve dug deep within in our quest to perfect ourselves and come closer to our Creator….
Succos Decor from Shein
There’s lots of creative options at great prices. You may have to be creative and use your imagination, but you can find lots of ideas to enhance your Sukkah on Shein. For years, we’ve been showing you some great Sukkah decor picks you can find on Amazon (and receive quickly!). Now we’re broadening the options…
Pristine Kosher Is Back with to Help You with Sukkos Prep
Making Yom Tov has never been easier! Read how Pristine Kosher is going to make your Yom Tov so much smoother. When we told you all about Pristine Kosher and their amazing Pesach kashering service, many of you were so happy to have the help. This Sukkos season, Pristine Kosher is back again, with an…
8 Ways to Keep Peace with Family Over Yom Tov
You’re spending more time than usual with the people closest to you. It’s not always peachy and wonderful. Sadly, the time that we look forward to spending together often ends with a feeling of, “Thank G-d it’s over.” That’s because, while we love our extended family, sometimes when we’re in close quarters with the same…
Are You Ready for *Gorgeous* Sukkos Tabletop Inspiration?
Sometimes simple pairings just look so beautiful together. We can’t stop looking at these photos. And we hope you’ll have the same, proud feeling when you look into your Sukkah and feel that everything is just so beautiful. So, where do we even start? First, a thank you to Shiffy Weinfeld, for coming back and…