Do you have unidentified paint cans sitting in your garage? Walls that need touching up? Keep them looking fresh using this hack.
Years ago, we featured this hack that was shared by one of our readers where extra paint is stored in mini Mason jars.
Then we discovered these fillable paint pens… and they make the job of touching up paint even more effortless.
We know, after you paint, you’re happy to relegate those paint cans to the garage. But you know once they’re there, they are not very useful to you (especially those unlabeled cans!).
But then comes the nick and scratches… they make a house look older very fast (especially by the doorways and corners).

With these paint pens, you don’t need any other tools to touch up the nicks and scratches and they are super neat and easy to use!

First–make sure to print some labels so you know which paint pens and colors are for which room!

Use the enclosed syringe to collect the paint.

Then, fill the paint pen.

Twist the brush tip securely in place. The brush is actually a professional paint brush, so it’s very functional. Once it’s secure, you can twist the bottom to get the paint into the tip, but if you’re not painting yet, there’s no need to do it now.

That’s it! You have a paint pen ready to touch up those nicks!

Even though we haven’t yet had these around for that long, the company says that paint will last in the pens for 7 years!
When I read this post, I quickly ordered those paint pens because I knew that I was going to want them. I then went to my attic to find the paint cans and they were… empty! I was so disappointed. I checked out benjamin moores website and found that they sell sample size 8 oz containers of paint! They’re really affordable. I ordered all the colors I needed and now I’m good to go!