Wish there was finally quality Jewish literature that enhances your child’s reading skills? There is now! Check out these fantastic series.
Yom Tov is coming…and that means if I want to have a tranquil Yom Tov…we need new books! That’s because a child with a good book at his side is never bored (and so much better behaved!). In the past, when choosing books for your child, you had to choose between books that inculcate Jewish values and quality literature which enhances their reading skills. Not anymore! Now, for the first time ever, Menucha Publishers has begun publishing Jewish leveled readers!
Leveled readers enable children to develop essential reading skills at their own pace. When a book is “leveled” it’s assigned a specific reading level and deemed to be quality literature that enhances literacy. Leveled readers offer the right amount of challenge, and cover a variety of topics that broaden your children’s horizons.
These are the top new leveled readers available for your 2nd-6th graders, available online at MenuchaPublishers.com or at your local Judaica store.
This is a brand new series by bestselling children’s author David A. Adler, author of the Cam Jansen series. He’s now writing books for Jewish children! In the Jelly Eli Z. series, meet Eli Zipperbaum, known as Jelly Eli, and his friends as they meet new adventures in each exciting book. This is the first time such a top, accomplished world-renowned children’s author is writing books specifically for our audience. With stories of this caliber, your children will be captivated, all while gaining an even deeper love of reading. The Jelly Eli Z. series belongs on every child’s must-read list! (Recommended for 3rd graders)
In this series, your child will follow the amazing journey of a kernel of wheat in From Wheat to Challah or the path of an olive as it becomes olive oil for your menorah in From Olives to Olive Oil…or the process which turns a grape into wine in From Vine to Grape Juice. (Recommended for 2nd graders)
The Community Series
In the Community Series, including Let’s Meet a Hatzalah Member and Let’s Meet a Sofer your young reader will meet, read about, and identify helpers in the Jewish community. (Recommended for 2nd Graders)
Sarah Builds a School is the inspiring biography of Sarah Schenirer, written for your young reader. Fascinating content and captivating illustrations bring Sarah’s story to life for your child while they enjoy the high-quality literature of a leveled reader. (Recommended for 2nd graders)
Watch Jewish history come alive! In this non-fiction series, young Jewish readers travel to different famous historical sites to explore the amazing things that happened there. Travel to Cairo, Prague, Vilna, and Soncino in each book in this series. (Recommended for 3rd-4th graders)
Your 5th-6th graders will join the suspenseful, thrilling real-life journeys of courageous Jews as they Escape from Iran…Escape to Shanghai… Escape from the USSR…and Escape from Hurricane Katrina.
Great Jewish Lives Series
Jump in and meet fascinating Jewish heroes! From the Montefiores…to Rabbi Avraham Blumenthal…to Rabbi Dr. Solomon Schonfeld…to Lady Amélie Jakobovits. Each story is an inspiring, uplifting story of the great things a person can accomplish! (Recommended for 4th graders)
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