Make it look like a book or a DVD–there’s so much license to be creative!
When do we try to brainstorm ideas of what type of content we’ll feature for each chag or Yom Tov?
The best time to brainstorm ideas is, yes, the year before. When else do you get new Purim and Pesach inspiration than during the actual season? We save them all and revisit the following year when it’s time to plan.
So, when Renee Muller showed us this mishloach manos that looked like a Navi (received from her child’s Navi Teacher) last Purim, we were intrigued. It looked just like an actual Navi…it wasn’t until it was opened that she realized it’s a DVD case!

DVD sleeves are easy to customize because all you need to do is slip a piece of paper into the clear outer plastic and your mishloach manos is customized and set. Sure, you can only choose slimmer treats (sorry, no donuts), but that shouldn’t be too difficult. And the price is great–we’ve found DVD cases range from .50 cents to $1, depending on quantity ordered.

What are some great ways to use the DVD case? You can make it look like a sefer, a book, or any video. We’ve designed some for you that you can either download or just use them for inspiration and create something that fits your own theme.
When ordering DVD cases, make sure to choose the “14mm” size. The “7mm” size may be too slim to fit even flat sweets.
See more mishloach manos inspiration in our Mishloach Manos Roundup.
This would be a great idea for a teacher to give out — the cover could be made to look like whatever sefer or textbook she teaches.
Thank you for this adorable idea and download! What are the printing instructions? Do I just print onto an 8.5 x 11 paper and it will be the right size or I need to do something else first?
Yes. he file is set to be printed on 8.5×11 and it will be the correct size for the dvd cover. You will be required to cut it down to size once it is printed.
Love love it! Is there any way you can do a tehillim cover? Want it for a bubby costume.
Too cute!
Thanks so much!
Adorable!! Ty bcp!!!
If you want to make your own design. Avery has a template that will be just the right size.
Such a cute idea! Is there any way I can add a name onto the templates?