What is self love? Is self care the same as self love? Or is it self expression? Are they all separated or intertwined? The simple answer is yes, these are all forms of self love…. But we haven’t defined it yet and I feel more confusion than clarity. So what is love? Love is acceptance!…
What Does Mindful Eating Mean?
One woman’s journey away from the world of diets…to the world of mindful eating. Diet. We either cringe when we hear the word, binge from the stress of it, or push ourselves enthusiastically into yet another attempt at weight loss. I ditched the word “diet” from my vocabulary a long time ago. Not because I’m…
Why I Give Birth at Home
One mother explains why she prefers to forgo the hospital during childbirth Well, why not?! Joking aside, of course, I’d go to the hospital in case of emergencies (chas v’shalom)… childbirth doesn’t fall under those categories! If there’s a medical issue in the process of my prenatal care or birth, I’d go to the hospital…