We reached out on social media and asked for some of your best travel tips. Here’s a summary of your responses.
Some of the tips shared are ones we’ve already discussed in older posts like this one, but they are worth repeating.
- Don’t take crayons or things that can roll under the seats on the plane. (BCP note: Or just know that they can be lost. We recommend packing fresh crayons for each leg of the trip so you don’t worry about lost ones. This is not the time to take out specific beloved Hot Wheels cars.)
- Pack light. Pack tight.
- The yoyo stroller saved us. We took it out from the overhead bin and pushed our kid to sleep at the back of the plane.
- Pasta can be made in a cholent bag in an electric kettle. (BCP note: or in a Betty Crocker).
- I wear a beanie over my fall so I can pull it over my eyes when I want to sleep.
- Always have a change of clothes for babies and toddlers accessible.
- Scooter for the airport so kids aren’t just walking and getting tired. (BCP note: Make sure it has a foldable handle.)
- Take along a Crock-Pot if you won’t be relying on restaurants.
- A mobile fridge is useful for those 12 hour adventure days.
- Don’t forget to pack your luggage scale so you can weigh your luggage for your return.
- Squeezable food pouches are great to have on hand for the kids (BCP note: Make sure the food pouches are 3.4 ounces or less to avoid security issues.)
- Packing cubes! Best for socks, underwear and toiletries. (BCP note: You know we love our packing cubes!)
- Take Ziploc bags in the car and on a plane (good to contain spills or if clothes get wet.)
- Take a car seat on the plane with car seat wheels.
- Dramamine. (BCP note: Not only does dramamine help with motion sickness, it’ll also help you/your child fall asleep. But be aware that it tastes terrible so make sure your child will be able to take it.)
- Pack a change of clothes in your carry on.
- Try to book flights around naps for a smooth flight with sleeping children. (BCP note: But beware of the drive to the airport which can kill a nap straight out.)
- Travel grills.
- Pack spices in small disposable containers.
- Betty Crocker for hotel stays. (BCP note: We love Betty!)
We’d love to hear from more of you! What are some of your best tried and true travel tips?
When traveling for yom Tov or a couple of days but not flying pack in Rubbermaid drawers it will fit in your trunk and you won’t have to unpack once you get there.
What a great idea!
Thanks for sharing this post! I keen on travelling and I try to write myself on a different topics. Thanks for the inspiration!
When flying, they don’t weigh carry-ons, so anything super heavy that’ll tip the scale in a big way goes in there.
Also NEVER put silver/jewelry in luggage. keep it with you at all times.
ElAl airlines does not weigh carry on?
they do and other aitrlines do as well.
Personal items they dont, but carryons are often weighed. Be careful with this
I take along extra bags. In case your carry on is overweight you can distribute it at check in and hold a few bags.
Can you bring a betty crocker in a carry-on?