These are things you really can do! They may seem small and simple, but even just that little thought can really make a huge difference in someone else’s day…or life!
I recently met an old friend. I hadn’t seen her in over a decade, and it was a lot of fun to catch up. Then she told me how touched she was about things I had done for her about ten years ago! I had zero recollection of them! But apparently small actions can make a big difference.
The only things we have forever is that which we give away and do for others. The good news is that you don’t need a lot of time, money or resources to make a big impact on this Elul.
Here are some ideas to get started. Feel free to share your own in the comments!
1. If you know that someone who is struggling with one of their children, give them a sincere, specific compliment about the child. This compliment may be a gift treasured by her for years.
2. When you prepare a treat for yourself, think of someone else who can use the boost. It can be a neighbor at the bus stop or a coworker. So if you’re grabbing a muffin in the morning, grab two. If you pick up a roll of sushi, get an extra one. Then watch someone’s face light up when you say, “I thought you’d enjoy this!”
3. Use the downtime in traffic to cheer someone up. If you’re alone in the car, think of someone that would appreciate a phone call (on Bluetooth of course). It may be a parent, grandparent, aunt, friend, sister. With today’s fast paced society phone calls can be so nice!
4. If phone calls are too intense for 2024, messages are great too. Try to recall someone who confided in you, someone who wasn’t feeling well, and follow up with a sincere message. Before you go to sleep, you can also check your phone and reply to anyone that your foggy brain forgot to reply to. This way you can spare someone the anguish of being ignored.
5. Include someone. If you’re sitting with a group of women, look around. Pull up a chair for someone hesitantly strolling by. If you’re at a wedding or vort, look out for a my-husband-is-good-friends-with-them-and-I-had-to-show-up-but-I know-no one lady and strike up a conversation.
6. It’s so nice to cook meals for others, but is not always feasible. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. If someone is going through a medical challenge/ new baby, try to send something. It can be challah or kugel for Shabbos, lunch for the Mommy, fresh muffins, or a pizza pie. It’s really the thought that counts. (And the muffins. Who doesn’t love fresh muffins?)
7. If you read a fabulous book, pass it along. I love to read good books and share them with people I love. (Bonus for me: I have someone to talk about them too!) People so appreciate this- especially before a long flight, vacation or hospital stay.)
8. If you see something, say something. (If it’s nice, that is.) If you love your sister-in-law’s new sheitel, tell her! Challenge yourself to give xx amount of compliments at each event you attend. As you meet the challenge, keep upping the number.
9. Remember the people closest to us! (As in: the people living in your house with you.) Compliment them. Appreciate them. Even if it’s things that they do on a daily basis. There may be tons of people in your life, but these are the people that stay with you forever.
10. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Hands down, it’s the hardest one on this list. More so, it’s a chesed that the recipient will never know about, because it’s all happening in your mind. But if you can do it, it will spare a lot of aggravation on all parties involved!
C says
Beautiful article, with such practical points! Well done! I love the compliment idea. I also get such a good feeling after giving a compliment, especially to a stranger. Ex: Your baby is adorable! You look stunning in your dress!
Lets be real, we all love compliments and treasure them!
Mindee says
Love this post!!! Nothing makes us feel as good as giving to others. We’re all looking for ways to feel good about ourselves, and it’s refreshing to realize that it’s not always about the self care and filling our own cup (though that’s important too!)
Devorah says
Fabulous points that are so doable.
Thank you!
Malky Weinberger says
Fantastic post that will definitely spur me on!
Anon says
These all are so true. I know how lonely the world can feel and how much any single one of these things would mean to me if I were on the receiving end. I try to give it to others as well and love the ideas of more, but please let’s all thy together on this one!!!
Bw says
Thanks for this beatiful post!
Y says
What a fantastic post! Thank you Sarah you are sooo on point!
Hadassa says
So beautiful, heartwarming and necessary. This post is about what is more important than anything else. Please keep more like this coming!