Do you dislike seeing a bunch of mismatched game boxes in your toy closet? Are your boxes falling apart?
The toy closet is usually one of the first things you’ll work on when you’re cleaning and organizing.
You can be such a super organized person–every toy has its bin and label. But then there’s the game boxes. They’re all different sizes and shapes, and there’s no way for them to look neat in the closet.
Plus, they don’t even last. Some are taped at the sides. If you stack them, it’s difficult to take out a game that’s on the bottom. If you put them on their sides, the pieces fall out.
We already showed you a card game solution in this post. (Note: We realize now that we would prefer using a couple of smaller boxes rather than one big card game box, so that it’s not quite so heavy when taking in and out).
Most games don’t fit nicely in the traditional bins that you use for your toys. The board are bigger and don’t fit, and they don’t really need so much vertical space.
When we discovered these Iris Containers, it was an “ah hah!” moment. Finally!
These bins work so well vertically.
What do you do with smaller games that don’t need a whole container? You can either group a few together, or keep them in a regular toy bin below.
It’s easy to pull out the games and play, and it’s easy to clean up and put them back in their place.
These containers also work nicely for craft items (paper, markers, supplies).
Curious about the labels you see? Read our post on the phomemo printer.
Gitty says
Hey great post! I’ve found that most games fit nicely in the sterilite, thin, 11×14 box pictured above. And they are also quite cheap on target and you can buy them one by one.
BUT I can’t seem to find a box that will fit an Othello! The iris ones won’t 🙁 any ideas, any one?
BR Leiner says
I store the othello pieces in the card box and the board separate in a pile with other games that stay in their sturdy box like Rummikub. Same for Mancala – the pieces in a card box and the board in the pile.
Chaya says
I have these and love them! I use playing card boxes for my card games. they come in so many different configurations on amazon. Singles, doubles etc. What I don’t know what do to with are the board games that do not fit in any of these suggestions. Usually the board game is too long. Any ideas or thoughts?
Esther Cohen says
What would you do with dolls!? Trying to organize the play room but there’s so. Many. Dolls. And they love to play with them! (Think Morah and Yeladim in their class lol)
Leah says
What about the longer board games? Any ideas?
g says
I see the slim ones and the chubbier ones. Would most games fit in the slimmer ones?
B says
I have found that they don’t
B says
I Use these and love them… I’ve trialed so many for all my games. I found that michaels has some bigger scrapbook boxes also fit some bigger games and they go on sale and can buy individually they are also wider. And then I have found on shein ali or temu really small containers that I keep the pieces in and they all stay together in one box instead of bags.
Baila says
I also use the Michaels scrapbook boxes which I love!
Rivkie says
The ones from Michaels are on sale now for $3.99
Esther says
Dolls go in a large material cube. That goes in a set of cubbies/cube organizer.
Tzipora says
I wanted to organize my games in the summer and saw the idea of using scrapbook containers, but a lot of them seemed to be too small, so I didn’t bother buying any. I just bought one Iris set of each size and transferred some of my games and puzzles.
A lot of games fit into the slim size. I found my big jigsaw puzzles needed the big container. If budget allows, I’d recommend getting both sizes.
Penina says
Anyone have the problem of buying these great containers and then when kids play, they leave them on the floor and they get stepped on and cracked? I had that with the card game containers and it was such a good idea but almost all my containers cracked 🙁
Rb says
Love these… but What works for the longer board games?