Learn what’s really going on behind your baby’s sleep cycles…so you both can sleep better
I remember when my twins were 2 months old and waking up at random intervals in the middle of the night. During that time, I asked another mommy friend what she did to keep her baby asleep through the night.
“Oh,” she told me, “I make sure he is awake 3 hours before bedtime.”
The next day, I dutifully made sure my little ones were awake at 4:00 p.m. and did my best to keep them up until our 7:00 bedtime. I put them down to play, picked them up when they cried, jiggled them, talked to them, and sang to them. At about 6:00 p.m., we were FaceTiming family when I saw one baby’s eyes droop shut. Frantically, I called her name and jiggled her awake again. She did not like that at all, and protested. Loudly. I turned off the computer and prayed that somehow my husband would come home early. That night was a nightmare. My babies took forever to fall asleep that night and woke up even more times than usual during the night. And that’s when I learned that just because “everyone says” something doesn’t mean it’s actually true. In fact, there are loads of these sleep myths floating around.
Myth: Skipping a nap, or keeping babies awake longer, will help them sleep better at night.
Fact: Our brains are super machines, which pump out all kinds of hormones that help us do what we need to do when we need to do it. When it’s time for us to wake up, our body produces cortisol, a revving up hormone. As our children progress through the newborn, infant, and toddler stages, and then move through childhood into the adult world, their ability to stay awake increases. They start off as newborns with a 45 minute wake time limit, and end, as adults, with a 16 hour limit. But whatever stage your child is at (and yes, this does apply to you too!), there’s a limit. And when he reaches that limit and doesn’t get to sleep, the brain starts calling in the special forces: the “stay awake” hormones. So here’s your little kiddo who needs a nap—but didn’t get one—with all of these awake hormones pumping through his system. And this is where things get sticky. Because then you notice he’s overtired and try to put him down for a nap or bed. But he’s still got those hormones in his blood, working to keep him awake. The result? It’ll be harder for him to fall asleep, sleep soundly, and stay asleep. So that means long crying jags, lots of nighttime wakings and early morning wakeups.
The Verdict: Keeping your baby up for too long will only backfire on you.
Myth: When my baby is crying that means he is hungry.
Fact: Babies have lots of needs, a whole bunch of feelings, and pretty much only two ways to express them: crying, or smiling. Truth is, that babies who are tired, overtired, or overstimulated cry a lot, too. And loudly. Building a daytime routine, being aware of how many feeds or ounces of formula your child needs in a 24 hour period, and knowing how long they can go between sleeps, together will build a great foundation in knowing what your baby’s needs are. So when your baby cries, you’ll know if they’re hungry, need a change of scenery, or are just plain tired.
The Verdict: Being aware of your child’s age-appropriate needs will enable you to respond with what he ACTUALLY needs when he cries—not just food.
Myth: My baby sleeps just fine in the stroller/car/swing.
Fact: Not all sleep was created equal—we have lighter stages of sleep, then deeper stages and then dreaming sleep, and our brains do different things in each stage. That rich, yummy, invigorating sleep, though, comes in the deep sleep stage—you have to be sleeping for a while to get to it. The problem with motion sleep (any kind of sleep that you get while you’re moving) is that your body stays in the lighter stages of sleep and doesn’t move into Stage 4. So, while motion will lull your baby to sleep, it’s not the same quality sleep she would get if she was laying still in her crib—and that will be reflected in her alertness and temperament while she’s awake. I find that babies who sleep best in motion sleep are babies who are overtired—and that’s not a position any of us would want to be in!
The Verdict: Motion sleep is junk sleep; it may seem fine in the moment, but in the long run it won’t give them the rest they need.
Myth: My baby is just going through a stage. When he gets a little bigger and older, he’ll sleep better.
Fact: Babies are very impressionable; they can be taught just about anything, which is great—most of the time. Learn a language, learn to walk, learn about the world? Great! The problem is when he also “learns” that the way he falls asleep is by needing to be nursed, rocked, held, etc. Like all the other things he learns about the world, this one will stick. So your infant who doesn’t sleep well will likely turn into a toddler who doesn’t sleep well, who will turn into a pre-schooler who doesn’t sleep well. In fact, studies have shown that, when following infants who have difficulty sleeping well, 80% of them had persisting difficulties for 3-5 years! That’s a long time for your child (and you!) to not be sleeping well!
The Verdict: It’s never too early for a child to learn to sleep well—and it’s never too late either!
So there you have them, the top 4 sleep myths I’ve encountered and debunked. I will say that some babies react more strongly to variances than others do. Some babies are simply more sensitive—but that does not mean that they have vastly different needs; that simply means these things don’t bother them as much. If you find that your child is a wee bit more sensitive when it comes to sleep and his sleep environment, then try implementing some of the tips above—and let me know how it goes!
Penina says
Although my experience is less than the author’s, limited to my own kids’ sleep habits, I disagree with the “infant with poor sleep habits will become a child with poor sleep habits”. My 22 month old had horrific sleep as an infant, was rocked to sleep until 10 months, didn’t sleep thru the night till approx 16-18 months. But things did improve dramatically just by giving him what he seemed to require at the time. True, I probably could have trained him to sleep better much earlier, but even though I didnt, he still is a wonderful sleeper now. Nap time and bedtime are routines that he anticipates and gladly goes in to his crib to sleep!
Shifra Sadoff says
Hi Penina,
Sorry for my (very) delayed reply to your comment.
I suppose I should clarify and justify: an infant with poor sleep habits will nearly always become a child with poor sleep habits if no action is taken to improve them. Statistics show that 80% of babies who don’t sleep well continue to struggle with sleep for 3-5 years – so while that’s not all babies, that’s certainly a VERY big percentage of them.
Kol hakavod to you for noting what your child needed and filling those needs!
RB says
Thanks for clarifying things here! What about when 5 month old has no issue falling asleep, sleeps 7-8 hours but timing is way off. She won’t settle down before 4-5 am, no matter what her schedule is during the day. Otherwise she’s happy and satisfied! Would love to hear your say on the matter!
Shifra says
Hi RB,
I’m not sure what you mean – does she fall asleep at the beginning of the night and then wake and not settle till 4-5 am? Or is she up until 4-5 am without falling asleep in the beginning of the night?
Without knowing all the details, what I can tell you for sure is this: the top two reasons I see this sort of thing are overtiredness and inconsistency.
The first – overtiredness – I did mention above. At about 5 months, a well-rested child usually can stay awake for about 2-2.5 hours between sleeps, but if your baby is missing out on that nighttime sleep, it could be she is only able to stay awake for closer to 1.5 hours or 1 hour and 45 minutes. Making sure that she goes no longer than that during the day will help ensure that she sleeps well at night.
Inconsistency is a bit trickier. In short, our children learn from our actions, reactions and interactions with them. It’s super important to be really clear on what your expectations are of her, and to stick to those when reacting to her wakeups. Do you want night to start at 7? Keep her in a dark, quiet room from 7 pm onwards, regardless of her wakeups. Do you want her to eat only 3 times at night? 2? 1? If that’s the case, only feed her that number of times, etc. (I do give a lot more details on expectations in my free guide on the 5 Essential Habits for a Good Night’s Sleep – you can download that out here: http://bit.ly/kinderwink-free-guide)
Hope that helps,
RB says
Thanks Shifra for taking the time to respond!
My baby naps regularly without getting overtired. As for night hours, She can nap half hour at midnight and then she’s up and about till 4ish.
I’ll check out the guide. Thank You!
l says
What’s the wake time limit for a one and a half year old before they get to the overtired stage?
Chaya Shifra says
At 1.5 years old, there tends to be a range of awake time limit of about 4-6 hours. Based on that, and the sleep need for this age (approximately 13.5-15 hr), I recommend 12 hours of uninterrupted nighttime sleep, along with a nap of about 1.5-3 hours during the day. To be sure that they’re not going past their awake time limit and becoming overtired, it’s best to schedule that nap for roughly the middle of the day to break up the 12 hours of daytime (so about 11:30/12).
Hope that helps! Let me know if you need further clarification!
Chaya Shifra