5 ways to maximize this amazing fruit… Pomegranate!
Pomegranates are back in season, finally!!
Did you know that pomegranates boost memory? Pomegranates also have antioxidant, antiviral, and antitumor properties. They include vitamin A,vitamin C, and vitamin E, as well as folic acid. This fruit consists of three times as many antioxidants as green tea. It is said to be a health powerhouse.
But—the real reason why I buy pomegranates by the dozen, is because I love how they taste. The added benefits, of course, are a huge plus.
As soon as I get home (from Costco, duh) I deseed all 6 (or 9) of them, place them in a large container and refrigerate. You’re asking who eats all that?? Me, hubby, teenager A, teenager B, child C and D, and toddler E as well. That’s the whole family. My family loves knowing they can help themselves whenever they want to this filling yet healthy snack. They will sometimes sprinkle the pomegranate seeds over yogurt, a salad, or a sliced banana. But mostly, they just eat the seeds plain.
My favorite breakfast:
Unflavored Greek yogurt becomes edible, I promise. This is how: place one yogurt in a pretty bowl (eating in pretty dishes is scientifically proven to fill you up, put you in a better mood, and enjoy every bite. Well, kind of. Though it definitely guarantees the joy of washing dishes). Anyway, back to my favorite breakfast: Add ¼ cup raw old fashioned oats, 1 tablespoon slivered toasted almonds (optional), 1 cubed persimmon and of course, a generous handful of pomegranate seeds. Top with a teaspoon of silan date syrup. The breakfast of champions.
My lazy (yet healthy) breakfast: For those mornings when you pushed the snooze button one time too many.
Yeah, this time, no pretty bowl. Notice I added some of the juices of the pomegranates. This will make you forget you are eating unsweetened yogurt (aka known in our house as “chalk.” My son’s words, not mine).
My 2-minute salad (that pairs well with literally any protein)
Spinach leaves, roasted and salted sunflower seeds, and pomegranate seeds. That’s all you need. Obviously, feel free to add anything you might like. For a dressing, I like to whisk up ¼ cup balsamic vinegar, 2 tablespoons olive oil, and 1 tablespoon honey.
My go-to appetizer (or dessert) that everyone in the family will eat (toddler included)
Supreme a grapefruit, add a handful of pomegranate seeds, and voila, you are done. You will be surprised how these two fruits go well together. (p.s. Make sure to utilize the juices of the grapefruit.)
My (almost) guilt-free late-night snack (hey, chocolate is a fruit, I read it somewhere)
Melt 4 ounces bittersweet chocolate. Spread on a piece of parchment paper. Sprinkle with pomegranate seeds. Refrigerate. Break into smaller pieces. Indulge
This is so me! Love the images
Thank you Raizy! Images by Esti Waldman… I am so lucky to have such talented colleagues!