It’s kind of tedious to do, but worth it when the strings stay fresh looking wash after wash.
We all know that after one or two washings, tzitzis strings start fraying. Some brands/types are worse than others, but eventually they all start looking fuzzy. What’s the solution? Good old super glue!
The tricky part is making sure every string stays separate from the others. The best method we found was to lay the tzitzis on a table with the strings hanging down.
Tape the strings down with blue tape to keep them in place.
Then put on gloves. This is super important. I don’t think we need to discuss why… Squeeze a drop of glue at the end of each string. It should soak in on its own, but if it beads up, just rub it in with your gloved fingers. Repeat for every string and you’re done! Leave a couple of hours for drying time and they’re good to go.
I dip my sons tzitzis in clear nail polish and that does the trick. I also “polish’” the knots, to keep them from opening
Clear nail polish is trick of the trade yes!
Many tzizis “repairers” use it to keep the knots from coming apart
We boil water and then dip the knots into the water, let it absorb for a few seconds, then tighten the knots as much as possible. It helps. Might not be as good as some of the other suggestions but it’s pretty good.
can u give tips for how to wash the strings that they dont knot up
stick around! we have that post coming up shortly!
I use Fray check. put some at the end and in the not area. Works Amazing and dries super fast.
so you just dab alittle super glue to the end and have them hang dry?
thanks for all the helpful hacks
Letoeles Harabim: I’ve heard that tzitzis can become passul once glued/nail polished ,etc. Ask your rav before you use this hack.