You asked, and we answered. Is there anything else you want to know about Best of Kosher? Ask us below and we’ll answer!
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Here are your questions and our answers!
Who are the authors of Best of Kosher?
All the top kosher cookbook authors published by Artscroll over the past 20 years (not including Pesach cookbooks)! In order of published date, that includes Susie Fishbein (the author who started it all!), Leah Schapira, Victoria Dwek, Daniella Silver, Miriam (Pascal) Cohen, Renee Muller, Naomi Nachman, Chanie Apfelbaum, Rivky Kleiman, Danielle Renov, Between Carpools, Sina Mizrahi, and Rorie Weisberg.
Are the recipes original or repeat from other books?
45 recipes are completely brand new. 84 are the top hits from the past 20 years (that have been updated/modified to how the author really makes it today). Many of those 84 recipes were new to us!
Are they simple to make like Dinner Done recipes?
Many are! Not all are quite as simple, but none are very complicated. And there are definitely more elevated recipes that you can make for Shabbos, Yom Tov, or entertaining.
Will you show us how to make some of their recipes?
We definitely will! Follow the rest of the authors to see their stories too!
Is this a good beginner cookbook?
Yes! There is a little bit of everything in this book. Plus, you don’t need to worry about “trial and error.” The recipes are already proven hits! It’s the perfect book to start a collection because it’s simply the best of the best. Plus, if you don’t yet know your cooking style, you can see what style you gravitate towards and explore more of that author’s books. But the book alone is the perfect one to start building a solid repertoire.
What is BCP’s role in this book?
Of course, we’re one of the 13 authors. Artscroll also hired the BCP team to put it together. We coordinated the recipes with the authors, tested everything, interviewed the authors, styled, photographed, and designed the book. While this isn’t our own baby like Dinner Done, it’s definitely our favorite niece!
Will we be able to get it in time for Chanukah?
The official book release date is November 15th. Preorder it now to be guaranteed the best price between now and then!
Can we get a discount for a lot of copies?
Sure. Be in touch with us ( and we will give you Artscroll contact information for bulk orders.
Are there pictures for every recipe?
Of course!
How will we know who wrote each recipe?
Every recipe page has the author’s name at the top, and every photo page has each author’s stamp with their name in the bottom corner. Plus! Each author has a signature color that is woven throughout each author’s recipe pages across the whole book. There is a bar of the author’s color along the top and sides of the page so you can easily flip to find it. You’ll also notice these author colors are woven into all of the photos too.
Are the new recipes separated from the older ones?
No, the recipes are organized in chapters by category (Salads, Soups, etc.) But each recipe page says which book the recipe originally came from. If it’s a new recipe, there’s simply no book title next to the author’s name.
Will we be able to buy it in Israel?
Yes! You will be able to buy it wherever Artscroll’s English language books are sold.
Have the recipes been retested? Or changed?
Yes, every recipe was retested and rephotographed for this book. Some have been tweaked (the authors themselves make them slightly different than they did when they were originally published) and others were not.
How did you choose the recipes?
It was a combination of author input (they know which their fans love), crowdsourcing, and publisher input.
What’s the difference between this and Dinner Done?
There are a lot of Dinner Done-type recipes in this book (we made sure!!). There are also great salads. Great desserts. And more Shabbos and Yom Tov-style recipes.
Why should I buy it?
- If you are new to cooking, this will be a staple. You won’t need to catch up on the top recipes you missed over the last 20 years! It’s all here.
- If you already have and love most of the cookbooks, you’ll love these authors’ best new recipes. You’ll also love reading about the authors and their adaptations.
- If you have some of the books but not all, you’ll love simply having the best access to the best of the rest!
- It makes a beautiful gift–for yourself, too!
Just curious
Why wasn’t Jamie Geller included?
Looks like a great book!