Working out but not losing weight? Find it difficult? Or still have that baby pooch? Read on.
- Sock sneakers are not sneakers. Neither are Toms or any sort of slip-on fashion sneaker. They don’t give you the proper foundation to exercise and the lack of support is a great cause for injury. No shoes are better than bad shoes.
- Breathe. Please. I can’t tell you the number of time clients will tell me “I’m dying!” And I’m like, “Well, of course – you’re not breathing!” Proper breathing actually gives you the energy to execute your workout.
- Posture. Your grandmother isn’t wrong. Especially while working out, it is crucial to keep a long upright posture, shoulders rolled back and away from your ears.
- Food. For those early morning athletes: I have had my fair share of clients vomiting or nearly passing out and the first thing I ask is, “Have you eaten anything?” Please lightly fuel your body before exercising.
- Throw out the scale if you’re strength-training. Ok, hold that thought. This is for all of you who are kvelling over those 5-15 lbs that haven’t been budging. Yes, muscle does weigh more than fat. So if you’ve been working out… especially strength training, the scale may not show it. Grab a skirt or dress with a zipper that you want to fit into and use that as your motivation.
- Cardio is amazing and getting your heart rate up gives you such a high. But don’t forget the strength training! It will help you burn calories after your workout and help you tone faster.
- Quality over quantity. Rather 3 well-executed squats than 15 with bad form! Learn to use proper form. Using the proper muscles and also protecting your joints is the goal.
- Tired? Sluggish? WORK OUT! Yes working out ACTUALLY gives you more energy! Don’t sit on the couch after your workout. Go out and do your errands or whatever it is. You will be able to get it done faster!
- Don’t mind me getting spiritual. But I heard from Rabbi Frand at the past Siyum HaShas, “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.” A short walk is better than sitting on the couch, a 10-minute workout is better than nothing. Don’t be intimidated by not being able to do every workout move – JUST MOVE!
- Post-baby mommies. I wish I can shout this through the rooftops! I can’t stress this enough but when you’re cleared to begin to work out after a baby, check if you have any diastasis recti or pelvic floor issues. Your working out can be making it worse (like crunches). And fixing this sort of issue will usually a big part of the reason your stomach hasn’t lost its pooch!
Becks says
Hi, How do you check if your have diastasis recti or pelvic floor issues?
Aleeza Inzelbuch, CPT says
Hi Beck’s!
Great question – it’s easier than you think!
To test for DR. Like on your back with your knees bent and feet to the floor. Put one on your belly, with your fingers just above your belly button. Press your fingers down gently and bring your head up like you would do in a crunch like position. If your fingers can push down and feel what seems to feel like your “insides” … you probably have some sort of DR.
Good news is that with the proper exercises done CONSISTENTLY – it can be fixed!!!
Pelvic Floor issues show up in problems such as- incontinence, back pain, and not making it to the bathroom in time.
Along with a CPT or Pelvic Floor Therapist, you can also learn excersises and tips that will help fix these issues!
Don’t be discouraged! These issues are more common than most woman realize!!
Lisanza112 says
Hi what do you mean by your insides? What would it feel like if not
Bella says
Really Great tips! I’m following each and every one of them for several months now and I’m BH feeling amazing. so true strength training makes the scale go up, when I notice the scale going down it’s a sign for me to rev up weights!
Aleeza Inzelbuch, CPT says
GO YOU! Challenging yourself to lift heavier is oh so good for you and has incredible results 😉
Esty says
I was so tired yesterday morning yet after reading your article you inspired me to push myself
Aleeza Inzelbuch, CPT says
Aww that’s great! I always tell people – you think I wake up looking forward to working out? No! I’m tired too! I rather do a million other things. But I know inside that after I will have double the amount of energy and feel so good!! Takes a big push with your mind!!!????
Esty says
I made it to my exercise class which was intense yet so rejuvenating! Thanks for giving me the push.
Michal says
What exercises can we do to correct the DR?
New mom says
Do you know if any pelvic floor therapist in boro park?