Think it’s too difficult to create costumes that are completely unique? With a little creativity (and a scissor, some glue, or a needle and thread), you can do it too.
Yes, I’m that crazy person who knows what we’re dressing up as for the following Purim by the time Pesach comes around. I like to plan the costumes ahead and I take my projects very seriously (too seriously?).
I began creating costumes for my kids around 8 years ago. I wanted a specific costume and I just couldn’t find what I was looking for. The goal was–and still is–to have a costume that is adorable, comfortable, and well-made. My kids love to wear them for masquerade day in camp and at school the following Adar, so they need to hold up. So I decided to make my own!
I will try to give over some of my tried-and-true tips that have served me very well for all these years. First things first. Pick a theme. There are so many great themes out there; the list is literally endless. You could just walk around your house and find things that can be adorable as a costume, but I will give some ideas at the end of this article. Once you pick your theme, decide who will be what. If you can find a costume that works for you, great! If you cannot, you can make your own!
It is easier than it sounds. I like to use a simple shell and skirt/pants as the bottom layer for my costumes. This way the kids are comfortable in clothing that fits them properly. For the costume part you can buy a cheap crewneck sweatshirt from Walmart and use that as a base. I usually end up making my own base since I have something more specific in mind.
You can take any one of your kid’s tops or dresses which you like the fit and length, place it on top of a folded piece of fabric (to create these, I used animal print fabric) and just trace it, from the shoulders to the bottom, the armholes and the neckline. Cut it out and glue or sew the sides together. You can now add on any embellishments to create the costume you are making.
You can glue some foam to the inside of the fabric to make it fuller if you want something puffy (like in the wrapped candy above). You can add a few inches to the sides of the dress/tunic if you want a more rounded look, like for a cookie or M&M type of costume.
Each costume is different but for me, it’s the little additions and details that matter the most. They’re what make the costumes really great.
Here are some ideas (aside from the typical):
Donald and Daisy Duck
Madeline and Pepito
Sesame Street characters
Jungle/Zoo animals
Gumball machines
Where’s Waldo
Mr and Mrs potato head
Thing one and thing two
Raggedy Ann
Old ladies and old men
Nosh and sweets
The list can go on and on!
About Shana:
Shana is known by many as a creative jack-of-all-trades. For the majority of the past 10 years, she worked as a paralegal, while running a custom bakery business on the side, sewing costumes and clothing for her kids, developing some recipes and, of course, all other day to day tasks. She recently left the office-work life to pursue her other passions, baking and sewing. A new secret project is currently in the works that she is hoping to launch really soon. Stay tuned! (Shana is accepting orders for custom Purim costumes until February 15th. She can be reached on Instagram @shana_z.)
This is insanely cute, creative, and well done!!
Thank you! So glad you enjoyed it!
Thanks so much for this post and for posting early enough. Where is best place to buy fabric? (Wanna recreate sesame street)
My girls are chalishing to be raggedy Ann but all the costumes we tried were too short. Any suggestions on how to make my own costume?
You can add a layer of tulle to the bottom of a dress that is too short, if the tulle is still see through you can back it with a cheap lining fabric too. Good luck!
You can add a layer of tulle to the bottom of a dress that is too short, if the tulle is still see through you can back it with a cheap lining fabric too.
Walmart is hands down the cheapest for most project materials but they have a limited selection. After checking there I usually go to for harder to find fabric. Or you can try your luck at Joanne or Hobby Lobby with their 40-50% off coupons. Good luck!
Really cute costumes! I loved this post:))))
Thank you so much!
Adorable costumes and so creative!!!
Having a hard time coming up with a theme… Two boys, the older one is already 9, so not anything goes anymore…
Any theme mentioned in this article can work for them! You probably already did it but cops and robbers is cute! Some years I get a book or something relevant to psych them up about the theme. (I usually don’t have to though, they’re more into it then I am!)
how can i make those clown costumes for boys? I have 3 boys age 6,4 &2
You can find pants or leggings in two colors, cut them in half and sew them back together mismatched. Any shirt will work as long as it’s not the same color as the pants. You can get rainbow suspenders on amazon or aliexpress. You can glue all colorful pom poms onto an old yarmulke. You can even make your own pom poms so they’re really large and fun. You can add a colorful bow tie too!
omg yay i ordered stuff on Ali for it! Now lets hope it comes on time 😉 This will be the cutest costumes ever! Thank you!
I also have boys who want to be clowns. Where can I get such large pom poms or how could i make them? also i don’t have any plain tshirts, just sweaters, or button downs…
ages 5 3.5 and 1
The pom poms are homemade! There will be a step by step on how to make them iyh in my next article here! As far as shirts go, you can use any solid color top you find, you can find for around $5 at Walmart (I sound like I get commission from them lol) children’s place, target or old navy. Girls or boys section it doesn’t matter as long as it’s solid. Maybe a polka dot one or striped one could add to the colorfulness too? Good luck!
So creative!! Did you make those yarn pom poms? They are amazing!!
Yes they are homemade! Thank you! I will hopefully do a step by step in my next article here!
I want to dress my boys as magicians and my baby daughter as a bunny rabbit.
Need help with a costume…
Bunny is so cute! So you can do a cute diy headband with ears or you can look for that on aliexpress. A cute romper with a plbig white pom pom or a white tutu with a white pom pom. Add a bow y the ears or collar. White shell, white tights and done!
Adorable! Thanks for the article! How can I make a banana costume for a baby girl? And a gorrila costume for a boy?
For a banana I would do a light yellow onesie and make a pointed and then darker yellow pants that come out and up on the sides… you can dm me on Instagram since it is more complicated than to just write here. @shana_z
Hi how did u do the twizzler baby costume?
I made a red romper and then for the hat I rolled up felt and secured them shut and sewed them through a hole I made in the hat, then I ironed on the twizzler logo!
How did u make the eyes for cookie monster and big bird?
I used Permanent marker on Ping pong balls!
What’s your recommendation forhow to make my own rag doll costumes?
I would do red yarn for the hair on a hat or headband etc with bows and blue and white dress, and knickers.
Love the clown costumes!! Where can I pick up these huge pom poms? And how did you do the colorful tights?
Thank you! I made the pom poms , I wrote up a tutorial in a newer post here on between carpools! For the tights I bought two different color pairs, cut them in half and sewed them back together mismatched.
Wish I could just borrow the cookie monster costume from u. I have still yet to find a ready made one available right size and shipping on time 🙁 and no time to do myself
Love the pom poms!
What’s the best way to secure them to clothing?
Fabric glue? Sewing? Glue gun?
any ideas how to make a cute little girls ice cream costume
One year we did a sweets theme and I made my husband an ice cream cone costume! White tee or sweatshirt, glued on large felt sprinkles and a large collar chocolate drip! He wore brown pants so you should do a tutu, obviously! I made a yarmulke/headband huge cherry on top of whip cream! You can email me for a pic at
anyway to make a queen look cute?
How did you make baby clown costume? Would love to recreate it!!!
Do you have a link to the clown tutus?
The clown costumes are absolutely adorable!
What is the base of the pom pom romper?
and did you put pom poms in the front as well?
Thank you!
hi any ideas how to make a highland cow toddler costume
Where can I find the clown tutus? So far I’ve only found with a ribbon at the bottom or not such nice ones like yours,
If they are home made, please can I have detailed instructions?
Thank you