It doesn’t need to be all over the place The snow is piling up outside, every glove you own is in use and the ski pants have come out from the top of the closet. You wrapped everyone’s neck with a scarf and pulled the zippers to the coats all the way up. The house…
snow day
A Must Read for a Magical Snow Day!
A moment-by-moment guide to memorable snow days (Plus! How to Make Mocha Snow Cream, scroll down!). Be prepared! BCP Note: Not every family is up as early or moves as quickly, but even if you can’t fit in all this during your own snow day, these ideas will definitely help you set a schedule that…
Snow Days in March
Stuck at home and thinking you have so much to do? It’s a great day to figure out what clothes are in your closet and what you need to update for spring/summer. Read this post on how to keep track of your clothing. Get out some colored pencils and have the kids color these adorable…
Your Snow Day Guide to Keeping the Kids Entertained (and the House Sorta Neat)
It’s a little euphoric when you first realize you won’t have to get those kids ready for the school bus. But then snow day reality sets in. I still love a snow day! And here is why. Because I used to love it as a child doesn’t mean I have to hate it as an…