We found solutions for two of the tricky spots when it comes to cleaning a sink.
There’s nothing quite like having a sparkling, shiny sink when you’ve finished cleaning your kitchen at the end of the day or when you’re going into Shabbos. But there were a couple of issues I was having with getting the sinks clean.

The first was cleaning out the groove around the drain. When I came across this Oxo Deep Clean Brush Set, I had an aha moment! This was the answer! The little rubber side is the perfect shape to go into that groove

and the brush side is the perfect side to scrub out the drain itself. (I use the other brush in the set for miscellaneous scrubbing around the kitchen.)

The other problem I was having was with some mysterious silver marks that just wouldn’t come off the inner rim of the sink. When I noticed there were many more of those marks in the small sink where I wash my metal Bosch mixer bowl, I realized it was coming from metal items rubbing against the quartz of the countertop. Quartz is stronger than steel so the steel was leaving little trails behind. So something stronger than the steel was required to clean it off.

Bar Keepers Friend powder cleanser was the solution. Sprinkle some of the cleanser on a sponge,

add a bit of water and some elbow grease,

and those stubborn little streaks will disappear! (While you can get this cleanser here on Amazon, note that it’s cheaper at your local supermarket or big-box store.
Are there any spots in the kitchen you have trouble cleaning? Or have you come across any great solutions? Share with all our readers in the comments below!
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