You knew that Pesach involves a lot of potato peeling, but peel tomatoes? For many of you, yes.
There is a common custom not to eat unpeeled produce on Pesach. Every single thing must be peeled. But did you ever peel a tomato – or a bunch of tomatoes to make one sauce? If you did, you know that it can be tricky and messy.
Mrs Yudit Stock gave us an amazing tomato peeling hack that worked like a charm when we tested it. Simply place your firm tomatoes on a baking sheet and bake for about 10 minutes on 350. As soon as the tomato has cooled enough so you can touch it with gloved hands, simply peel the skin away. It’ll slide right off! Simple as that! Now go ahead and make that tomato sauce…
Check out our Pesach kitchen master list here.
See these recipes that use peeled tomatoes: Basic Roast Recipe and Pulled Beef Eggrolls.
Dinah says
Great idea! Will do this for my tomato sauce…
For fresh tomatoes, I found that if you wiggle the peeler back and forth from side to side as you go down the tomato, goes very fast…
Rachel says
I was told not to bake or cook a unpeeled vegetables since the flavor/wax from the peel goes into the vegetables when baked or cooked. So it’s really not ideal to be used for Passover.
me says
Everyone holds differently follow you LOR or families minhagim.
Rivka says
I make tomato sauce every year, make a slit in the tomato peel and drop it into boiling water, let it boil for a minute or two. Than into ice water or remove the peels with gloved hands. If I don’t get to do it before Pesach I do it in disposable pan and throw out the pan when I’m done.
C says
They sell peelers that can peel tomatoes easily. Works very smoothly.