It’s easier than you think to create this gorgeous avocado platter to bring to the table. Serve it for Seudah Shelishit!
A couple of years ago, I shared with you the backstory of this Avocado Toast Bar. There was one Shabbat when I was inspired to make Seudah Shelishit something enjoyable and beautiful–there should be kavod and oneg.
But, no, it shouldn’t be a lot of extra work to prepare, and there didn’t need to be too much food. We simply needed a way to enhance the bread and make it enjoyable–and the table should look full and gorgeous too.
After awhile, I upgraded our Avocado Toast Bar (although that concept is still a great one!) and began making a platter like this one instead. One, I thought it was prettier vs. all the ingredients on their own. Two, it was easier to bring one big thing to the table and clear it afterwards.
Plus, because everything looks so beautiful together, there’s so much flexibility in what you can include. Like with the Avocado Toast Bar, the only thing that really needs to be done ahead is preparing the hard-boiled eggs (if you choose to include it). Everything else can be done in the time that the men are in shul for mincha!
But, if your family doesn’t like avocado, you can totally use this as inspiration for making a different type of platter. I’ve made “tuna platters” that I’ve served alongside the avocado board with Romaine lettuce, julienned carrots, julienned beets, pickles, bowls of tuna, crackers, sliced veggies, etc.
How do you make an Avocado Board?
You’ll Need:
- Any large platter or wooden tray.
- Any random mini bowls.
- Bread
- “Toppings” for the bread, see list below. As far as the “toppings,” there’s lots of flexibility.
Ingredient Ideas:
- Sliced Avocado
- Guacamole (ok to have 2 different types of avocado!)
- Hard-Boiled Eggs*
- A Dip (like Caesar Dressing or a Pesto Spread)
- Chummus
- Cucumbers
- Sliced Plum Tomatoes
- Tomatoes on the Vine
- Grapes*
- Pickles*
- Olives
- Corn Nuts (a fun crunchy twist)
- Fresh Parsley/Herbs
- Sliced Radishes (Watermelon Radish is so pretty!)
- Some Pretty Crackers
- Sliced Lemon
- *Little kid favorite
Put some of the ingredients, like the dips/guacamole, or other things that need to be container, in small bowls around the platter.
Start adding ingredients to the board, a little bit in each section, some crackers here, some sliced eggs there.
Slice your avocado. For the prettiest results, you can make an avocado fan by peeling a half of avocado and placing it on the cutting board. Slice thinly, then add it to your wooden tray and press it slightly to fan it out. Two avocados is usually enough to have that avocado presence in the center of the board. Add sliced plum tomatoes and cucumbers along the side of the avocado.
Add a little lemon, sea salt, and fresh herbs on top.
And you have a beautiful centerpiece dish for your table (and yes, it really took less than 10 minutes to assemble!) Serve with rolls or sliced sourdough, add toppings, and enjoy.
Sarah says
Gorgeous ! As always. Love how it showcases hashems beautiful fresh produce
Chana says
Can you link the board from the picture?
tova says
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pretty!!!!
Plater says
I made it last week shabbos and it was a hit!!! Everything went!!
It looks and tastes delicious!!!!!
Thank you for the most amazing recipe!!!!!!!!!!!!!