The 9×13 Series has revolutionized our life in more ways than one.

We admit it. It all started with these Oatmeal Squares back in 2018, and ever since then, well, we’ve never looked back. The 9x13s are here to stay and they’ve pretty much revolutionized our life.
Sure, we might not take one out every single night. But they are always there when we need them…from that easy, five-minute-prep one-pan dinner, to those great baked goods we can whip up without a mess before Shabbos. What did we do before we had these solutions?
We’ve even broadened our horizons and incorporated the extended family of 9x13s into our lives. From the shallow 9x13s that save lots of freezer space (particularly before Pesach), to our new appreciation for the loaf pan size, we’re really taking advantage of all the perks.
And, now, we’re introducing: 9×13 at Home
It’s true, 9×13’s are not just for the kitchen anymore.

And while they’ve definitely paid their dues in the kitchen, if they can make it there, why not anywhere?

Nope. No more expensive bins needed. 9x13s are the perfect solution for organizing toys. (Complete with that Phomemo label.)

So neat. Don’t you love an organized closet? Doesn’t it make you feel good?

From keeping daily necessities in one handy bin…

To organizing those drawers (has his ties ever looked so neat?)

To keeping the shelves nice and tidy…
These are just a sneak peak into some of the ideas in OUR NEW 9×13 at Home Guide!
Are you ready for more? Ready to get a headstart on the Pre-Pesach organizing rush?
It’s available now! Click to read!
The 9×13 At Home: Tricks, Hacks, and Organizing Tips That Take You Beyond the Kitchen
Enjoyed this year post? Read past posts
2023 BCP Sweatshirt
2022 At Home Scentify
2021 Basics: How to Make Ice
2020 Bochur Bib
Happy Purim
I’m not so into this idea. They’re going look horrible in a few days. I’ll stick with non disposable bins for my closets.
I was reading this thinking, are they serious? And then I realized, this must be this years Purim Schtick. Happy Adar!
Don’t let my husband get ahold of this post! No more lucite bins for me!
Haaaa! happy Purim!!!!! definitely “shelving” this idea
The effort!! They literally
Labeled and set up
These pictures so perfectly. It took
Me half way to realize! Too too funny. Thank you BCP !!
Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B’simchah! You almost got me on this one! I actually like the tie organizer, but when I saw the diapers in the living room, I remembered that I just benched with yaaleh vyavo (for melave malka) and that means it’s almost Purim! You guys are fabulous! (I really want the sweatshirt though!)
I knew it had to be a Purim shtick…
Love love love it
I had a feeling after the first picture, but you really did an amazing job with this!
Got such a good laugh!!
hahaha i only laughed after reading the comments!
it was bizarre to me for sure but i figured maybe some ppl out there will make use! lol
Something tells me that they are serious…idk… between carpools, can you please verify if this is a joke? Lol
If you click on “its available now! click to read!” you will see that its a verified joke:)
Beyond funniest
Lol! Kk tx!
So cute! At first I was like “are they serious???” but then I chupped.
Truth is, it’s not a bad idea for keeping stuff organized when you’re away, esp if staying somewhere for a few days or longer. So you can add this tip to your travel posts 🙂
You got me for a minute
Brilliant and close enough to realistic that the guilt hits perfectly! I was looking at the picture of the fancy closet with the tins in confusion until I realized- it’s Adar!
Um … guys? I actually have used those for organization! (Not in the living room though) Sorry, but it’s not far enough “out there” for Purim Shtick
My row of laughing emojis didn’t post there 🙂
When I saw sweatshirts in a bekele, I realized you’re pranking us. Simchas purim!
You fooled me! I was like the BCP ladies are taking it a bit far. But its a brilliant idea. Great for a temporary or short term solution that’s easy on time and $.
Hey it’s actually not a bad idea. Please don’t make fun. There are people who can’t afford real bins, but want to be organized.