And finally, and most importantly–we want to use summer to grow spiritually. There’s lots of time to reflect, learn, and think about our ruchnius goals. This will also make us feel recharged and good about the time we spend over the summer. We don’t need to wait for Elul! It’s overwhelming to commit to something…
The BCP Summer of Growth. Week Four: Get Moving, Stay Healthy
Can we make it a goal to come out of summer as a healthier version of ourselves? Whether it’s more movement or healthier food, the summer is the perfect time to enjoy new healthy habits. It’s overwhelming to commit to something lasting. The Summer of Growth Challenge is for this week only–but if your new…
The BCP Summer of Growth. Week One: Rest and Reset
Do you use summer to recharge your batteries for the year ahead? Or do you run into the new year just as breathless as when you finished it? It’s overwhelming to commit to something lasting. The Summer of Growth Challenge is a 5 week challenge, the “rest and reset” theme is for this week only–but…
The BCP Summer of Growth Challenge
Don’t let summer go by without making the season a meaningful one for you. Often, when summer starts we have big dreams. We have dreams of what we’re going to accomplish or how we’re going to enjoy the season. And, too often, summer just goes by. We keep running like we do all year, without…