Don’t discard your discard! How I use mine up, below. After years of excuses (‘I have enough mouths to feed without sourdough starter!’), I finally hopped on the sourdough train. And with a sourdough aficionado on speed-dial answering all my questions and cheering me on (thanks Nechama!), I’ve even gotten the hang of it. Mostly….
New Indoor Family Fun Ideas in NY
Staying Local For Winter Break? These indoor activities in and around NYC to keep the whole family happy! Some new ideas, below. Are you staycation-ing this winter break? Looking for family-friendly activities beyond bowling and the pizza store? Let’s explore! See this post for our NJ-based post on Indoor Family Fun. Brooklyn Sluggers Batting Cages Get…
Here’s How You Can DIY Your Son’s Haircut, Without The Mess
With the right tools and a bit of practice, you can give your sons’ a barber-worthy haircut, without covering the house in hair! Tips and tricks, below. My husband started giving our boys haircuts at home when their hair grew to the breaking point during COVID and …just never stopped. It’s easier, cheaper and more…
Help! My Baby Hates Tummy Time!
You know it’s important, but you’re too tired to fight the tummy time fight! Our tips, below. Does your baby cry every time you put him down on his stomach? Do you give it a half-hearted attempt before scooping him back up? You know he needs tummy time…but maybe you’ll try again tomorrow. Why babies…
5 Tips For a Freshly (Sponge) Bathed Newborn!
Umbilical cord still hasn’t fallen off and your baby could use some freshening up? Tips for a successful sponge bath, below. The only thing yummier than a newborn baby, in my opinion, is a freshly washed newborn baby! As a general rule, newborn babies don’t have to be bathed too often. Some even encourage delayed…
Our Best Tips: How To Avoid Purim Stress
Want to be your best non-stressed self this Purim? Here are some of our favorite tips to help set you up for a successful day. Purim is almost here! The costumes are ready, mishloach manos are almost prepared, and the list is getting checked off. So why do you still have a sinking feeling when…
How to Make Pour-Over Coffee At Home
Brew fresh, coffee shop-quality coffee at home, with no fancy equipment needed. Enter: The pour-over method. Are you a strict Taster’s Choice girl? Does your favorite coffee shop know your order and start brewing while you’re still parking? Do you Keurig? Nespresso? Savor your coffee at home or grab one on your way out the…
Do You Need The Bosch Stainless Steel Challah Bowl? Finally, The Answer!
We’re finally breaking down the difference between the classic white Bosch bowl and the stainless steel challah bowl. Read the run-down here. For my first 8-ish years married, I didn’t make challah. There! I said it! A perfectly capable and respectable grown woman who bought challah, every week. I was perfectly content making the fish,…
The Not-So-Everyday-Woman: Aliza S. On Mastering Your Budget, Happily
If we had to pick (one of our) least favorite things to do, it’s budget. And to do it happily?! We knew this was an interview we had to do. About this new series: Everyone is meaningful, everyone has something special to share…something they’re passionate about or they’ve learned and want to share. When we…
Yes, You Can Be A Minimalist With A New Baby
Space constraints, on a budget, or just don’t want a lot of ‘stuff?’ Here’s how you can be a minimalist, even with a new baby. Soft ivory changing tables swathed in delicate pink tulle. Perfectly tiny booties with a coordinating bonnet. Gentle rockers, stuffed animals, cozy blankets. Bottle-warmers, baby baths, diaper dispensers. Ladies, the list…